Annabelle Newton became the 1st Runner-Up at the Iowa State Fair Queen Pageant on Saturday night. The 1st Runner Up will serve if for some reason the 2022 Iowa State Fair Queen, Mary Ann Fox of Mitchell County is unable to serve.

"Wow what a night! Annabelle is the first one from Benton County in the 21 years I have coordinated the Benton County Fair Queen Contest to place at the top!" said Angie Becker.

Newton was judged on personality, attitude, leadership, citizenship, contribution to the community, overall appearance, charm, and poise.Becker said that it was, "definitely tough competition, I am so excited we finally placed!" According to Becker the Fair Queen competition began back in the 1990s. She also said, "I am excited and feel we will some year have a queen. We have some wonderful young ladies in Benton County who could do the job. I am so proud of Annabelle, she put a lot into preparation for this award."

Newton will be a senior at Vinton-Shellsburg High School this fall, and active in Cross Country, Track, National Honor Society, and FFA. She is the 2022-23 Vinton-Shellsburg FFA Chapter President as well as the Northeast District Reporter.

Outside of school, she is part of the Benton County 4-H Youth Council, serving as the Co-Vice President, and she is also a member of the Jackson Better Farmers 4-H Club where she exhibits swine. In her spare time she is active within the community by volunteering as a part of the Black and Gold Hour program.

Newton, is the daughter of Chad and Kim Newton and sister to Sophia.
To watch Annabelle receive the 1st Runner Up award, click here and go to about the 1:22 mark to watch.

Newton received a $1,500 scholarship, a plaque from the Iowa State Fair, $300 gift card to Jordan Creek Mall, and bouquet.

(Photos courtesy of Angie Becker)


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JH August 15, 2022, 10:45 am Congratulations! What an honor for you and our county.