Tuesday's Supervisor meeting began with a call to order, and a change to the agenda, taking off item 10 until a later time. The Agenda was then approved as well as minutes from the last meeting. All members of the board were present, Rick Primmer, Tracy Seeman, and Gary Bierschenk.

First up was to discuss/approve vacation time/sick leave changes that were approved for the County Handbook. Joy Wieditz addressed this with the supervisors click to view this discussion.

Rick Wood, Secondary Roads, brought the need for a new brush for the tractor/lawnmower to care for the courthouse lawn care. The brush has rusted out so much from the salt so a replacement was needed. Approval was granted to replace it for $5,750.

Approval was granted to carry over 17.75 hours of vacation time to be used in the month of August for Courtney Long, Veteran's Affairs.

County Engineer, Myron Parizek, sought approval for a Resolution for Temporary Construction Closure on 63rd St. aka Highway 218 between 21st Ave. and 21st Ave. Dr. in Big Grove Twp for Bridge Replacement, permission was granted. Closure which was set to begin on Wednesday or Thursday and will remain that way for approximately the next 2 months. (See photo)

Approval was also granted for an employment change for Cody Jones, per Union Contract. He was hired as a mechanic last year on August 2nd, and will receive a pay increase to $29.04 per hour effective August 2, 2024.

The department also was given permission to hire Jakob Long as an equipment operator at an hourly rate of $26.30 and will begin tomorrow, August 7.

Dean Vrba, Benton County Emergency Management was granted a credit card increase to a $1,500 limit.

Under Reports

Tracy Seeman gave a report on the 911 towers. Drive test information - (See article about that here)

Ray Lough, County Attorney also requested a closed session to meet with the Supervisors. They will meet on Thursday morning, August 8th and 9:30 a..m.

Primmer reported that Heartland has a meeting scheduled for August 12.

John Martin presented for signatures the 2024 Homestead Tax Exemption applications for approval and two were disallowed for Disabled Veteran Homestead Tax Credits and Military Tax Exemptions. (One had applied for a temporary residence, the other applied for a different exception instead.)

The discussion part of the meeting ended and the supervisors continued the meeting by signing applications for the above mentioned applications before adjourning.


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