17-year-old Mackenzy, was diagnosed at age 8 with Chiari Malformation which is a condition where the brain tissue at the base of the skull pushes into the spinal canal, putting pressure on the brain and spinal cord. Mackenzy said that the oral pain meds to help manage her headaches and the pain in her head and neck, have stopped working. She has been in and out of ERs for pain management. On November 21 she said that while she was at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital getting an IV "pain cocktail," she had a seizure and passed out.

"Due to my Chiari getting worse, the doctors are in the process of scheduling surgery. I will be there for a week or longer, depending on the outcome of my surgery," she said. She is scheduled for surgery on January 10th. The plans are for her dad and mom, Chad and Tammy Stein, to split staying with her and travelling back and forth from Vinton to Iowa City to be with her during recovery.

The family is asking for a bit of help to raise funds to cover the out of pocket expenses associated with Mackenzy's surgery and stay in Iowa City. Donatoins will be used to help offset medical, gas and food.

If you would like to help the Stein family, you can go to the GoFundMe page linked HERE.


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