The members of AmeriCorps NCCC Class 17 have formed lifelong friendships with the people they have worked with over the past nine months, says national NCCC DirectorKate Raftery.
Raftery told the graduates Thursday night that she is still friends with the Peace Corps volunteers she served with 38 years ago.
She also told the members that they brought hope to places they served.
Since coming to Vinton in 2008, AmeriCorps teams stationed at the Iowa Braille School campus have completed 309 projects in 20 states, from New Jersey to Texas, and from Florida to South Dakota. They helped build 82 houses and refurbished or repainted more than 600 others.
This is the first year that the campus has had three units totalling nearly 240 members. The members return home to prepare for their next job, or to get ready for their next college semester. The NCCC staff in Vinton will begin preparing for next year's session.
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