2011 Turkey Coloring Contest Winners

The Vinton Parks & Recreation Dept held their annual Turkey Coloring Contest for 3rd grade and under. We would like to thank everyone who participated. The following is a list of the contest winners.

Preschool & Under Division

1st – Chloe Sanders

2nd – Rayleigh Stander

3rd – Hayden Henkle

Kindergarten & 1st Grade Division

1st – Blake Soquet

2nd – Brant Ortner

3rd – Jesse Gray

2nd & 3rd Grade Division

1st – Kailey Bahmann

2nd (tied) – Brynn Patterson

2nd (tied) – Christina Harrelson

The winners were rewarded with prizes, their picture laminated and a fire truck ride with Santa. They met at the fire station at 5:30 pm Thursday, November 17 for their ride with Santa in the downtown parade and then to the courthouse for the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony.


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