POST PROM PIE PICK UP... If you ordered a pie from a Post Prom 2012 Committee Member, TOMORROW, Saturday, November 19th is the day to pick up your pie!! You can pick them up from 2pm-5pm at St Mary's Catholic Church basement. If you are unable to be there to pick your up please contact Teresa Strong 651-4611 or Kristen Redlinger 389-0629 OR the person that you ordered it from. (Please do not contact the church! :) There are approximately 30 extra pies so if you didn't get one ordered and you still want one you can contact Teresa or Kristen. They will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. The price is $10 each -- your choice of Cherry, Pumpkin or Apple. All pies are homemade and ready to freeze or bake (Pumpkin will be prebaked). Any extra pies leftover the committee will be selling downtown on Sunday at the Holiday Open House. Get ready for Thanksgiving early!!!


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