With the forecast of up to 4-5 inches of snow expected in the next 24-36 hours, it's that time of winter when Vinton Police are seeking everyone's assistance in getting their vehicles and trailers off all public right-of-ways and public parking lots, and to keep them off the streets until the snowfall has stopped and Street Department plows have been through your area.
"We're pretty fortunate that it's January and we haven't had any snow yet, but now that it's on the way, we really need the everyone's help with this," Jeff Tilson, Vinton Police Chief said today.
City ordinances require all vehicles to be moved off the public right-of-way, or out of City parking lots, and to remain off those areas until the snowfall has stopped and the areas have been plowed by City crews.
"With the July storm, we've had a lot of construction trailers sitting on the streets for long periods of time this year too. We've been overlooking this if they aren't creating any visibility or traffic problems, fully understanding the work that many homes and businesses have needed due to the storm. But, with snowfall and street plowing upon us, we need everyone who has a construction trailer to let their contractors know they need to get those trailers off the streets from now on." Tilson added
Vinton Police have towed vehicles and trailers for violations of the snow removal or street storage provisions of the City Code in the past, and will continue to do so this year, Tilson added.
Any vehicle which has either of these tags (.jpg file attached) can, and will be towed without further notice as early as 24 hours after the tag is placed on the vehicle.
"And tearing the tag off but not moving the vehicle won't keep it from getting towed, we photograph those tags when they're placed on the vehicle to prevent a false claim like this. We don't want anyone to have any unnecessary tow bills, but we don't want to waste taxpayer money plowing around vehicles that shouldn't be there in the first place." Tilson added.
The City's website has a frequently asked questions section devoted to City parking regulations at:
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Instead, after plow has gone, there is a big void where my car had been sitting, completely untouched by the blade.
Do I need to drive reflective stakes along the edge so they can find it?