V/S BAND SOUP SUPPER is TONIGHT. 5-7 P.M. HERE AT VSHS CAFETERIA! $6 Adults/Free for kids 5 and under Thank you to all of the area businesses and individuals that helped make this fundraiser possible. The great news is that ALL of the items needed for the soup supper have been donated, so all of the money earned from Soup Supper Ticket Sales tonight will be deposited into the School Band Activity Account. All of the businesses that donated to the soup supper will get special recognition tonight at the Soup Supper. 2.) In addition to the soup supper tonight, there will be a raffle. When I was up in Minneapolis over the holidays, I went to one of my favorite "BIG CITY" stores to get a snack, called Trader Joes. This store is the latest fad, and THE "in" place for people living in the big cities.....especially the younger crowd. For those that don't know what Trader Joes is, it is a grocery store (but not your typical grocery store) located in only big cities that sells the highest of quality no brand goods at very reasonable prices. Anyway, the manager noticed my Vinton-Shellsburg Band shirt that we wore in Washington D.C. over the summer band trip. He asked about our band program, as he happened to be in attendance this summer at the National Independence Day Parade. He was impressed with our program, and offered to help us raise some extra funds. Trader Joes has donated a $50 TRADER JOES Gift Basket to raffle off at our soup supper. We will raffle it off and select the winner of the raffle at the Cabaret Concert on February 24. If you are interested further in Trader Joes, please feel free to go to their website at www.traderjoes.com. All money raised from the soup supper and the raffle will go into the school band activity account. Each raffle ticket will cost $1. 3.) Thank you to all of the band parents helping tonight. It is a busy night.....concessions at the MS, Soup Supper at the HS, and Pep Band. Should be a fun night! Good luck to all of our sports teams tonight! As always, thank you for your continued support of the bands here at Vinton-Shellsburg.


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