School begins later this week for students, but the 2012-13 year is well under way for teachers.

On Monday, the staff members gathered in the high school auditorium for one of their in-service sessions with Superintendent Mary Jo Hainstock. The new teachers also met Friday; all teachers will meet again on Tuesday and Wednesday.

This year, all of the new teachers in the V-S district will teach at the high school. They include:

Patricia Lough, LD/BD;

Ashley Woods, Second Chance Reading and the 180 program;

Bryan Frost, math (alternative high school);

Faith Beltz, special education;

Jim Womochil, Social Studies and head football coach.

Classes begin on Thursday for grades 1-12, while there will be parent-teacher conferences by appointment for Kindergarten families on Thursday and Friday.There will be two-hour early outs on Thursday and Friday. Kindergarten classes and the full-day schedule begins Monday, Aug. 20. Tiny Vikes Preschool begins Wednesday, Aug. 22.


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