Two pickup trucks -- different year, make and model, but similar in color and both parked facing south on avenues on the east side of Vinton -- were defaced by spray paint in similar fashion sometime Thursday evening or Friday morning.

Nazi Swastikas in white and red were painted on those two pickups; several other vehicles were also reportedly vandalized in similar fashion. Vinton police have begun an investigation; anyone with information is asked to call the VPD at 472-2321.

Police Chief Jeff Tilson says so far approximately 17 vehicles have been reported painted, although there is not much permanent damage because most of the paint has been removed by power washing. Most incidents were reported between Third and Fifth streets on the eastern area of Vinton.


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BR September 28, 2012, 4:43 pm Very interesting, our truck is silver/gray as is the car across the street that was also spray painted.