Editor's Note: We have asked the candidates for Benton County Supervisor to share with us in their own words their experience and their vision for the future of the county.

Below, in his words, are the thoughts of Dick Meyer, one of the Independent candidates for the District 2 Benton County Supervisor seat:

I am Dick Meyer from Vinton and I am making a chance- at serving Benton County Supervisor.for District (2).

Born and raised in Benton County makes me feel responsible to use my knowledge, personality, loyalty, leadership, business back ground, personally in business and devoted.

My wife, JoAnn and I are parents of seven children and sixteen grandchildren, we make our home in Vinton.

At the age of 18, I went to work as a Bookkeeper to a partner at Livestock Sale Bam (20) years , Elevator Manager (8) years, Hog Buyer (8) years, Benton County Recycling position (19) years, Farmed 25 years along with other occupations.

Leadership includes joining 4-H at age 10, then leader, member Rural young people, Church position, Kiwanis Day Breaker, Eagles Club, Secretary of Fair board, Fair Board Director, Being a member of the Community organizations of which I served as president. The Fair Board I have served some 45 years and president for 28 years giving me confidence of my leadership.

Supervisor is a very important position in the county government. The secondary road department is one we have to strengthen for roads, bridges and landfill-with this statement I will work hard to get to the point. We have bridges and box culverts to be replaced and to do this we have to use our money where it counts the most.

I'm not personally involved with any other persons in the other positions of the county. Leaving me free to take anything with a strong neutral thinking and decision.


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