Updates on the latest crop production products and recommendations are the featured topics at meetings sponsored by Iowa State University Extension at two locations in December.

These meetings are an excellent opportunity for ag input providers to meet with Extension specialists to review current research, discuss new products, and learn of new recommendations.

Each location will feature presentations on weed, insect and crop disease management as well as soil nutrient management. Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) credits have been applied for each meeting. In addition, the meetings offer recertification for Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicators in categories 1A, 1B, 1C and 10. Recertification is included in meeting registration.

Early registration is $70. Late registration or the day of the meeting is $85. For more information about a specific location contact one of the hosts listed below. Registration materials and additional information about the meetings is available at www.aep.iastate.edu/acu.

Date Location Host Phone Email

Dec 5 Iowa City- Jim Fawcett (319) 337-2145 fawcett@iastate.edu

Highlander Virgil Schmitt (563) 263-5701 vschmitt@iastate.edu

Dec 6 Ames-Quality John Holmes (515) 532-3453 jdholmes@iastate.edu

Inn/Starlite Mark Licht (515) 382-6551 lichtma@iastate.edu


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