As the season of inclement weather approaches we want to make sure we have everyone's contact information the most up to date as possible when it comes to contacting you about delays, early outs, and no school days. We will be using both the School Messenger and School Alerts notification systems this year as well as the local TV and radio stations for weather related information. We also have it recorded on our phones if there is a change in the school day due to weather. Dial 319-436-4728 and choose 6 to get this information. Please do not call the individual schools. We will eventually phase out the School Alerts as they aren't always quick to send out the information after the district posts the notification.

On Friday, Nov 2, I will be turning on all access to text messaging resources in School Messenger. This will push an automatic announcement out from School Messenger to all cell phones asking for you to "opt in" to the service. You can opt in or out at a later date if you so choose, but this will be the big opportunity to opt in to the system for text messaging notifications. To make sure all information is up to date in the system you will need to log in to your Power School Parent Portal (eRegistration section) and make sure the information in the following fields is up to date and where you want the information to go. All data in PowerSchools is uploaded into School Messenger at 3am each morning. If you have a "split home" please make sure both Contact 1 and Contact 2 contain both parents information. We don't want information to only be going to 1 household. Phone Calls: guardiandayphone
cnt1_cphone cnt2_cphone Home_Phone Cell Phones (TEXTING):
cnt1_cphone cnt2_cphone
Email: GuardianEmail cnt1_email
cnt2_email We will be sending weather related announcements out via both phone calls and text messages to make sure all are contacted. If you do not want your home phone to ring with the message early in the AM you can opt out of phone call messages by emailing with the number you wish to block from "phone call messages" and I'll add them to the "block list." The system automatically filters duplicate numbers so you will not receive multiple messages for multiple students in one family. We hope that this brings a peace of mind to families and makes information easier to access. Mrs. Meyer
Director of Technology


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