
Ten Years Since My Tears Did Flow

Click to read  A Tragedy Unfolds the first poem in the series  The tears still flow from my eyes despite The ten years since that day The world stood still and hell broke loose And terror came our way   The towers gone forever now The field holds 93 The Pentagon is now repaired But some cannot be free   Free from fears and all their pain The details very clear Their loved ones gone but still remain So loved and oh so dear   Around the world they’re being built Memorials to those Who lost their lives on that sad day From hateful, evil foes    The firefighters, rescuers And those who came to aid Are heroes in our hearts and minds Who’s deeds will never fade   On this day, a special one We lift them up to Thee We pray they’re gathered close to You Some Perched upon your knee   The ten years since has still not healed My broken heart or tears And ten more years, when they have past The pealing bells we’ll hear   For this dear land and all who live Within these mighty states Shall never cede this land to those Who’s lives are filled with hate   My heart goes out, this ten years since To those who lost their lives To those who tried to rescue them The husbands, children, wives   My tears still flow for all of those Still here to grieve and cry And pray that there will never be More terror from the sky   It’s now ten years, I’m just more proud I’ll shout as loud I can It’s in my blood, my heart and mind YES, I’m American.

A Tragedy Unfolds

Ten years since my tears did flow...sequel to A Tragedy Unfolds A Tragedy Unfolds   The tears flowed from my eyes today, When I heard the awful news. To think that such a cowardly act, Could tear our hearts in two.   The tears flowed ever faster, And more and more they came. It seemed they flowed for victims, Still, yet without a name.

The view from my corner of the world

It's a date and time everyone remembers. It's the event that our generation will always remember.  At the time, we were living in Washington AND Independence. Washington had just been hit with a storm similar to our July storm around September 9th, 2011.  We had just returned to Washington, opened the door to our apartment to find the ceiling had collapsed.


Matthew 16:13-20 If you were at a party, and you saw someone slip something into someone's drink, and they wouldn't believe you when you told them, what would you do?  Would you be willing to create a scene, knock the drink out of his or her hand, risk looking like a fool? Jesus asked his disciples who people said he was.

Time to stop the out-of-control political fighting

  I’m a Trekkie. In other words, I love the TV show Star Trek. That’s the original one, not all of that spin-off nonsense. Anyway. One of my favorite episodes was called “Day Of The Dove.” The premise was that 40 crew members of the Enterprise crew were trapped on board with 40 Klingons, and a creature that was forcing them to fight.

Looking through the window

The guys and gals downtown always have my attention. I am especially amazed at the window displays, as well as the arrangements inside the stores.   I commented to one of the store owners downtown that I am always in wonder at how she can take something old, that on it's own, looks like it needs painted or changed in some way to make it useful, but she sees something else in it.

VSHS volleyball player inspires father with unselfishness

  Dear Editor,   I just wanted to share a story for everyone to read, about a young lady that lives in the community of Vinton.   She is 17 years old, going to be 18 at the end of this month. She did something that I dont believe in today's society happens very often anymore if ever.   She thought about her team, her teammates and Vinton Shellsburg first.

Jerry Lewis and Dino and the MDA Telethon lesson of 1976

       In decades of Jerry Lewis MDA Telethons, this is probably the funniest line:     "You know there were all of these rumors about us breaking up, when you weren't here when we started the show, I thought they were true."     Jerry spoke those words to Dino --Dean Martin-- when Frank Sinatra surprised him by bringing Martin to the stage.


Pastor Lanette S. Van     Matthew 15:8-28 James Dean was the original rebel without a cause.  From the movie screen, he became a symbol of rebellion and wild, reckless behavior as he bucked the system. Jesus, on the other hand, was a rebel with a cause and a mission.  His mission was to lead the lost sheep of Israel back into right relationship with God and with other human beings.

The night the fireworks cried

Fireworks descend in honor of the 10th anniversary of 9/11     I hope, wherever Osama bin Laden was on Saturday night, they interrupted his eternal torment for a few minutes to let him watch as Vinton residents saw the first commemoration of the 10th anniversary of 9/11.      The Iowa Pyrotechnic Association was not trying to be the first to mark the 10th anniversary of that dreadful day; they simply happened to move their event to August, and just a couple of weeks before Sept.