The year 2007, Democrats take over Congress. The House elects Nancy Pelosi Speaker. In her opening remarks she states that there will be no more deficit spending. Since that time the deficit will grow to 17 Trillion Dollars, which is equal more or less to the GNP of the United States. That is: equal to the total production of goods and services in this country in one year. See , if this doesn’t scare you then you are fearless. Our Democrat Legislators; Leonard Boswell, Bruce Braley, David Loebsack have voted overwhelmingly in support of Speaker Pelosi’s agenda. Perhaps this is what you the voter wants? Cap and Trade: This bill will make petroleum based fuels very expensive without doing anything appreciable to make our planet’s atmosphere cleaner or do anything appreciable to slow or even stop climate change. We cannot be the only one doing this. China is building two coal fired electric generating plants per week. Why are we making liquid oil more expensive rather than making alternative fuels cheaper? -- seems to me to be the wrong approach. If enacted heating and cooling bills will be more expensive hurting our poor and middle class the most. Make no mistake, there is no greener generation than Nuke Power (look to France—86% of power = Nuclear. Health Care Reform: I agree this is necessary, but the question is how to enact? Instead of changing the whole system it would be more beneficial and more cost effective to change the system for the neediest. Namely; pre existing conditions, subsidize the cost of premiums for the poor. The Health Care Bill illustrates how incompeten congress has become. The Stimulus: Many billions of dollars have been allotted in the last two years – to what effect? The jobs claimed to have been saved cost many times more than the salary of the individual. There are better more cost efficient ways of stimulating the economy – namely small business. Oh yes, many are members of The Chamber of Commerce – now deemed an enemy of the Administration. If you are not upset by the above then pull the D lever as you have always done in the past. If on the other hand you are not happy with the present direction vote for someone else. Preserve the Republic, Your vote has great power and with great power goes great responsibility. Use that responsibility wisely. I’m voting for Brad Zaun. - Mike Hibbs, Vinton


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