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Dear Editor, 

It is without question that the Democrat Party has taken out a "Contract" on Donald Trump.  They want him dead.  Period.

Their reasons are repeated over and over and over . . .

"He's Hitler!!!"

"He's a threat to Democracy!!"

"He's an existential threat!!!" . . . I guess to the very existence of the planet??

"He's a tyrant, he'll be a Dictator!"

"He won't let us kill our unborn children anymore!!!"

"He's a racist!"

 Golly, they had me at "Hitler".  I mean we know what his actions were, the millions he killed, the prison camps, the ovens . . . Man!!!  I sure don't want that again, especially here in the US.

And so, the call has gone out globally . . . in the words of Hillary . . . "This man simply must not be allowed to become President."

Of course, to facilitate the "pros" they've left the borders wide open.  DHS and Immigration have lost track of over 100 ISIS members that were allowed entry and were released.  I'm sure they're hopeful there's a "professional" in the mix there.  Additionally, over 20,000 illegal Chinese have been granted entry, most military age men.  I'm sure there's hope there's at least a couple military snipers included in this group.

And let's not forget the hardcore professionals from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Cuba, Pakistan  . . . to name just a few alternate sources of "talent" available to take out Trump.

So, while the pool of possible assassins is certainly deep, it seems that to date just the amateurs have attempted killing Trump.  The kid in Pennsylvania - I will not ever repeat his name - has come the closest with Trump being saved by the simple turning of his head.  The potential killer's path was certainly smoothed by the total failure of the Secret Service.  The failure was so complete, and so massive . . . that I can only come to a single conclusion . . . the security measures went off exactly as planned.  I'm sure the results were a disappointment to those who are driving the Democrat boat.

The second attempt was foiled by chance . . . not by design.  Again, the Secret Service seems to have gone with a minimum team - perhaps expecting an attack by an incensed voter with a banana cream pie.  Instead, a sniper wannabe with long term delusions of grandeur failed to properly conceal his sniper's hide and an agent saw his rifle's barrel, sent handful of rounds his way and scared him off only to be caught a short time later.

Today, as I type this, apparently a bomb was detected in a car at a rally venue for Trump in New York today.  They said it was in a blue barrel.  The only bombs I've heard of in plastic barrels are anhydrous/diesel bombs, think Oklahoma City federal building bombing - though that was an entire truck filled with blue barrels.  As I said, this is developing as I type, we'll see where it goes.

 All of this said, it would seem that the Democrat Party, in their frustration with a failing Joe and an air head named Kamala, has decided that the best way to ensure victory is to "off" Trump.  And they do seem dedicated to the task.  After two known attempts, the core of the Democrat Party is still publicly proclaiming Trump to be Dangerous, a Threat, emphasizing that he simply can not be allowed to become President again.

So, I take them at their spoken and written word . . . they want him dead.  And every nutjob, enemy state, narco leader and "true patriot" will be trying to find ways to "plant" Trump between now and the end of his next term.

This is the US morphing fully into Venezuela - killing your opponents, jailing them, jailing their followers, seizing control at gunpoint.  This has been done many times throughout history.  In fact, we went through an assassination craze when I was a teen . . . Kennedy . . . begat . . . Martin Luther King . . . begat . . . Bobby Kennedy.  We were lucky to make it through that.  But things have changed today . . . then emotions were inflamed by a phone call (dial phone with long distance charges), daily newspapers, Sunday papers, weekly news shows . . . to name a few.  While you could bitch with your neighbor or friend, an individual's ability to insight the ire of an electorate was slow and arduous.

Not so today.  A single tweet on X can be read by millions in a matter of 10s of minutes.  The outrage shouted in a microphone can be repeated globally in a few moments and last a lifetime. A whole political group can be brought to fever pitch within hours and held there until those doing the inciting move on to the next item on their checklist.

Where the ire of the moment in the 60s had the ability to naturally cool . . . that simply does not exist today.  Where does that lead exactly?

If the Democrat party insists on this reckless path forward toward November's election - they may easily release a "Genie" that manages future elections through violence and intimidation rather than by policy and civil discourse.  Right now the choice is entirely theirs to make.

I pray they choose wisely.


Bill Keller


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DL September 19, 2024, 1:07 pm Very precise conspiracy theories. As I've made known before, a conspiracy theory is someone making up a story, with absolutely no evidence to back it up. In this case, a story made up by a brainwashed cult member.

At one point, I thought I was reading a description of the January 6th Insurrection.

With the election just a few short weeks away, it's obvious that the brainwashed cult members aren't going to understand the irony of this conspiracy theory popping up to snatch you in your backside, if your nazi candidate wins.
JS September 19, 2024, 1:54 pm D L you are 100% wrong all the time. A short watch of MSM proves Bill correct. Good grief
RB September 19, 2024, 2:54 pm That is about as bizarre of an editorial that I have ever read here. Trump, with is hateful rhetoric, has made himself a target. Please don't blame the Democrats for that! The Democrat's strategy is to just let Trump talk. It won't be long and he will come up with another "they are eating the cats and dogs."

So Kamala is an airhead? Good Lord! She might be the most articulate candidate we've had in quite awhile. Of course, next to Trump she appears brilliant. Trump speaks in word salad.

I do believe Trump is a threat to Democracy. He has already said he will bring justice to his enemies. So elections officials and donors beware. That isn't a Democracy now is it? It's fascist in my mind.

I just can't get my head around those like you that support Trump. He's been indicted for 92 felonies and convicted on 34 of those. Trials are still in the future. No, it wasn't the Biden administration that brought on those investigations. The indictment was from a grand jury of his peers and the conviction was from a jury of his peers. The sexual assault settlement wasn't brought on by the Biden administration either. It's obvious how he treats women. Just listen to him and look at his record. Five kids from three wives cheating on everyone of them. Paying a porn star hush money shortly after the birth of his last child.

Bill, is this who you want as the model for your grandchildren? A convicted felon, tax cheat, fraudulent Trump University and foundation, and sex assaulter. Since felons can't serve in the military just how can one be commander-in-chief?

Since all of you thought Biden was too old and in mental decline have you even paid attention to Trump? I really don't want "they are eating our cats and dogs" guy in the situation room or carrying around the suitcase with the nuclear codes. He is, without doubt, in mental decline. Have you listened to Vance? He is clueless as well and only a heartbeat from the presidency.

Bill, you and the other Trump cult members need to wake up. Swallow your pride and vote for Harris. Maybe in four years, instead of take our country back, the republicans can take their party back. MAGA is not any where near what the republican party use to represent.

A healthy republican party is good for a democracy. The two parties fight over policy but, in the end, they come together and get something done for Americans. This house has been the worst in the history of our republic in passing legislation. Time to wake up!!!
JS September 19, 2024, 4:19 pm R B. you are 100% wrong as well. Bill is correct DL and you are blind to reality. double good grief
ER September 19, 2024, 5:37 pm Well said, Sir!
SM September 19, 2024, 9:58 pm Will hitler comments be updated for most recent mark robinson news?
GB September 24, 2024, 6:52 am Bill- outstanding! The Democratic Party is in name only. They no longer represent the working class or the middle class. Their leadership is a mix of Socialists, Communists, Fascists and uninformed followers. Their constant message only serves to divide us and keep allegations of racism and sexism alive. Without those, they die on the vine. Yet push their message of hate to keep their base under their control and depend on government for their every need. It is just another form of slavery.
They will make the claim they are protecting women's rights while at the same time support men participating in women's sports and allowing men in women's restrooms and locker rooms. They endlessly attempt to keep the population stirred up against anything and anyone who does not support their agenda of far left plans for this country.
Their tactics are dangerous and meant to incite disorder and confusion by targeting their political opponents and anyone on the right with hate and violence. This is exactly the same tactics practiced for decades by Socialist, Communist and Fascist governments to control their populations. Have we not learned anything in the last 150 years?
If Trump is this person the Liberals claim will destroy this country, he would have done that his first term. He did NOT.
Biden and Harris on the other hand have just about done everything themselves they claim Trump will do. This country flourished under President Trump and can do so again.
jt September 24, 2024, 3:37 pm To twist the words of "must never be president again" into a threat of violence is an extremist view of our democracy. In 2020 he was kept from being president by the vote of the people. The only violence was from MAGA followers who denied the election results and threatened our congressional leaders on Jan. 6th, along with resulting deaths of capital police. Now in 2024, the vote of the people will again determine the presidency. The difference this time is over 100 of Trump former cabinet members, aides, and past vice president are not endorsing this man for the office of president. Since they have worked closely and seen his leadership first hand, we should probably trust their judgement. He is a divider, a disrupter, and has no understanding of truth. As a past Republican voter, I just want the chaos of his leadership to be done! There is so much more to the Republican party that needs to be seen, once he has no influence. A vote for Harris/Walz will not destroy our country, hopefully, we can get back to a two party system of bipartisanship that has worked for over 200 years.
DC September 27, 2024, 10:42 am Even his cult followers fail see his mental decline, or maybe they are just in denial. Hypocrites I’ve heard are that way...but even Stevie Wonder can see it. Of course, Stevie is not a sheep, lemming, or whatever you label a person in a cult. Although he is blind, he can see and understand. He listens to other news besides the liberal owned media. The cult leaders mental decline is exactly why the first debate was held early, so the Puppet Masters in charge could get rid of him. They knew he wouldn’t go away peacefully, so the big money donors took care of that for them.
Oh, hang on, I’m a bit confused this was Biden I was thinking of, not the MAGA Guy, the one that loves this Country. You know...Make America Great Again...not a weak laughingstock of the world when he was President. So anyhow, the puppet masters, Obama, the Clintons, Soros, Bush, Gates and many others with their agendas, you know, the ones that have been running the show for the last 3.5 years threw Biden out and INSTALLED their DEI hire. She grew up in a middle-class family...yuk yuk..."worked” her way up “under” Willie Brown for 11 years. Then married a divorced man who PAID OFF the nanny from his previous marriage whom he knocked up. That’s all just fine for everyone with double standards, but then again, Stevie can see it. Remember the border czar? Great job on that. The illegal problem will haunt this country forever. You haven’t seen anything yet. Spare me that the party of the right didn’t pass the immigration bill the left wanted. Just because you don’t like a law they should still be obeyed. 158 from the Left just voted AGAINST deportation of illegals charged with sex crimes. How about that???
Right or wrong, the party of the right VOTED the MAGA guy in, he wasn’t SELECTED by the people at the top similar to 3rd world dictatorship operating procedures. Evidently, the left is fine with being told what to do and easily went from denying Biden was incompetent to the DEI hire and never thought a thing about it and followed like good little sheep. The media is doing such a good job keeping the hate going for Trump. Many are blinded by the facts. Actually, about all the left has is to hate Trump, as you can see. It’s pathetic the left openly hates Trump so bad they want him assassinated, again, 3rd World...
Change is good, it's time for tampons in all men’s rooms...


Dave Coots
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