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All of the critics are missing the point. I am not a globalist, At one time I flirted with that propaganda, but there are limits as to what the working class needs to buy and what they don't. Manufactured items tend to be superior with U.S. companies, but not always. I have a lot of tools manufactured by Japanese companies. I find they are quite good, I also have a lot of tools and machines built by Delta, Milwaukee, and DeWalt. The aircraft that I built had a Japanese engine - Subaru H-6, over two hundred hours no malfunctions and no oil leaks. However, what we are talking about now is FARM MACHINERY built by mammoth John Deere. If I am not mistaken the UAW is the Union on the property. John Deere wages for blue and white collar people are the envy of many of us working stiffs.

So What is the rub?

I assume R B is Randy Braden. You have missed the point once again. Farmers and others who buy John Deere products have a brand loyalty that is unsurpassed - people buy green just because. John Deere machinery was never purchased because it was cheaper than others; it was brand loyalty and the quality of the product. Randy for all your academic achievements you missed one important point. Manufactured products produced here are built by American Workers! These workers prosper because of the wages they earn. If we allow John Deere to move manufacturing to Mexico, what is the upshot? Will they attempt to sell these products in the U.S. undercutting the UAW wages and benefits - hard won? Will the white-collar worker take a salary break to help the Union worker? I can't think of an instance where that has ever happened. D.L expressed: "John Deere has made $2 billion worth of investment upgrades, since 2019,in Des Moines, Moline, Kernersville, NC and Waterloo. They are currently making plans to move 3 unskilled jobs to its Mexico plant. Those are Cab Assembly, Skid Steer Production and Compact Loader Production." Still, the question is, how come these jobs can not be done by American Union/Nonunion workers??? I think we can see the true colors of these critics: they are Globalists and not the friends of American workers as the Democrat party used to be.

One critic mentioned the salary of the CEO. Well, the company is worth billions and I as a stockholder have a very modest ownership. I expect him/her to improve the profit position and dividends paid so that my minor stake increases in value. If not - out the door he/she goes. It has been my experience having lived through two plus layoffs that it is the front line workers who lose their jobs not the execs. or the corporate officers. There is something to be said as to what appears to be excessive wages for those at the top, but those wages are decided by the Board, Stockholders are always allowed to voice their objection at stockholder meetings.

What does it take for a major business to stay in America? If you think about it I am sure you can come up with some points.

1. Low taxes

2. Delete unnecessary regulations

3. Relaxation of real-estate taxes

4. Investment credit on new machinery and/or expansion

5. A government that is business friendly. After all, we are talking about workers and their prosperity and livelihoods.

What occurred when foreign carmakers imported their products? Eventually, they built factories in the South (Union Friendly). Those workers are either union or nonunion, but all are benefitting from good jobs, benefits, and a living wage. Trump has the backbone and the knowledge to stand up for the American worker. Union people who were in the back pocket of the Democrats - stop. You need now to vote your pocketbook and your financial future.

Note: One should consider the plight of US Steel. There is a move by NIPPON, a Japanese company to buy out USS - billions of dollars. It seems USS cannot get the funding to bring its manufacturing process to meet completion prices. If NIPPON gets permission to buy I hope one of the provisions is to keep a majority if not all of steel formation here in the U.S. with U.S. union workers. There is another reason for Trump to stand up for U.S. workers. Would Kamala Harris do the same????

Regards and blessings

John Stiegelmeyer


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GB September 29, 2024, 5:00 pm Exactly!
DL September 30, 2024, 1:40 pm JS, are you unaware that John Deere built their first factory in Mexico, in 1954? In fact, they have had 4 plants since the early 90s. Do you know that there are a total of 62 John Deere factories in foreign countries? Do you realize that a company like John Deere would only move these 3 production jobs, for 1 of 2 reasons? Either to increase shareholder value, or to increase bonus possibilities for the Executives. My Dad retired in 1985, in a white collar position. Just as an addition, the 3 production items being moved, are all out of the Dubuque plant. Pressure from Shareholders and Board of Directors has amped up, since the early 90s. They now expect the bottom line to reflect an increase, EVERY YEAR. With every major company in the U.S. enjoying record earnings, during the inflation crisis, you can expect a lot of cutting costs, across the whole manufacturing sector, in the near future.
RR September 30, 2024, 3:32 pm DL- How is that a comfort or helping the people here that are losing their jobs? Are those jobs in Mexico going to pay their bills?
JS September 30, 2024, 4:39 pm D.L. explain this: steel plow --
John Deere was a blacksmith who developed the first commercially successful, self-scouring steel plow in 1837 and founded the company that still bears his name. Deere was born in 1804 in Rutland, Vermont. After his father was lost at sea when he was four years old, Deere was raised solely by his mother.

Another thought the first tractor built in Waterloo was "the Waterloo Boy" which later became John Deere. Hart Parr was another tractor that later became OLIVER. John Deere hung on the two-cylinder engine until Maximum horsepower was achieved they then went to six-cylinder engines both gas and diesel. Why do they manufacture in Europe, perhaps just perhaps to escape those country tariffs. Now then you are talking about lowering costs of production --- hmmm! Harris has stated she would raise taxes on business, cap gains, unrealized capital gains (these would include, 401(K), perhaps defined pension programs [union workers depend on, brokerage accounts and other assets - houses, farms, etc.] High costs of doing business are not only due to wage increase, and higher input costs but also government interference. You still did not answer the question why can't these jobs I referred to be done by American workers. Save your false history lessons for others who are ill-informed. America First.

DL October 1, 2024, 2:49 pm JS, John Deere didn't just purchase the right to the Waterloo Boy. They purchased the Waterloo Gasoline Engine Company. They then drudged the Cedar River to shore up the land that they would build the first Waterloo Plant on.

If you think that Capitalism includes our government dictating financial decisions of private businesses, I think you should rethink your economic ideologies. I don't agree with all the ways our government spends money. But, there are reasons why we have so many financial contracts with other countries. If our country didn't do it, China or Putin would be happy to become the country the world looks for, for leadership. Right now, the Trump tax cuts are over, for the middle and lower class. It's the corporations and wealthy citizens that aren't paying their fair share. It has caused problems with the fiscal budget, for the past 6 years. Your cult leader will be looking to give more tax cuts, to those that don't need it, once again. He'll also look to exit contracts around the world, which will further weaken our standing.
JS October 1, 2024, 5:21 pm D.L. I only said "Waterloo Boy" became John Deere. Does it really matter How that came about?? Also I stated the Hart Parr Became Oliver Tractor manufactured in Charles City. Iowa The Model 70 made between 1937-1948 was vary popular. Also, the John Deere model 4020 first made in 1964 was revolutionary and was the start of an extremely successful long line of that series. Iowa had two major farm equipment manufacturers. The good wages and benefits went a long way to benefit our workers and their families. I wish that to continue. Unfortunately Oliver/White companies are no longer in business

Just this A.M. on Maria Bartiromo Program a financial guest stated that the present business/corporate tax rate (21% [more or less]?) has resulted in twice the tax revenue as before Trump's tax reductions. How is that possible? I am sure you have a great answer - right? I'm still waiting for an answer - How come American workers can do the work??

Now the Longshoreman union has gone on strike. There are many ports on both coasts and the Gulf that take in container shipping. The longshoreman union has some 45,000 members. The base salary for Longshoreman ranges from $59,637 to $69,236 with the average base salary of $64,004. However as I learned this A.M. with overtime pay some can earn + or - $200.000 annually. I suspect many of these ports have foreign economic ties. Not all are American owned or operated. Management has offered 50% pay raise over the life of a new contract, Union leadership is demanding much more (77%) and a guarantee of no auto or any robotic machines taking union jobs. Too late foreign ports have had these enhancements for years. The secretary of commerce, Gina M. Raimondo, said she is not very focused on the potential for looming strikes despite the costs for the economy. Hmmm? what are we paying her for? There has been some who request the TAfT-HArTlEy Act be imposed: "The Taft–Hartley Act prohibited jurisdictional strikes, wildcat strikes, solidarity or political strikes, secondary boycotts, secondary and mass picketing, closed shops, and monetary donations by unions to federal political campaigns." I do think the Commerce Secretary and President Biden do get involved and attempted to get the parties together and negotiate their differences. If the strike continues beyond week two the overall economy will certainly be wounded and small business and large would be hurt by not having the materials needed for Manufacturing. The Longshoreman union President has stated that no return to the bargaining table without an offer of $5/hour increase. Seems reasonable. I understand that it has been weeks since the last sit down. A Union's position has always been to protect as many jobs as possible. That may not work in today's competitive environment.

America First

GB October 3, 2024, 4:30 pm DL,
In case you have not noticed, the Biden and Harris Crime Families have been robbing the coffers to foot the bill for the millions of illegal aliens they have allowed to flood this country. Now DHS is claiming FEMA is out of money because of everything they have spent on illegals.. The Biden/ Harris Crime Families have made an absolute mess out of everything! I wouldn't hire those clowns to pick up dog poop in my yard and here they are screwing up a country!
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