Seems I'm a "Fascist" a "Nazi" and a "Deplorable" . . . huh, who knew?
Dear Editor,
A typical ploy of a political party that is unable to defend their party's positions, actions or policies is to simply employ various forms of invective in an attempt to paint their opponents in a particular light. This seems to have grown to an artform with today's "party that shall not be named". In listening to them I've learned that I'm a FASCIST first and foremost. Of course, if a person is a FASCIST they are, by association, a NAZI. And I've been fond of Hillary's moniker of DEPLORABLE since she first vomited it on the political stage in 2016. I thought I'd drill down on these terms a bit to see what I support.
FASCISM . . . a populist political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual, that is associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition
In evaluating the primary political parties there is, indeed, one that has a fondness for autocratic rule and likes to point out a particular group as the reason for their failures. We've seen their insistence on limiting free speech with use of the words "misinformation", the use of "fact checkers" and even promoting the "1984" idea if using a "ministry of truth" to evaluate such speech with the possibility of incarcerating people for uttering such "misinformation". This is certainly a trait of a fascist. And of course, the MAGA folks are the sole cause of all past and future troubles, and they must be eliminated. Such policies are certainly not being promoted by myself or any party I associate with . . . but they are being promoted by the party that "shall not be named" . . . so there's that. As for MAGA, I am a proud member of what is considered that community - just who would not want to Make America Great Again?? So, by evaluating the actual acts of my party of choice, I find that neither I nor my party of choice fits the definition of fascist.
Of course, it's hard to have such firm control unless you remove the ability of a citizen to defend themselves from a violent and aggressive government. And there is a party's candidate that has frequently promoted a "mandatory" gun buy-back. However, the government did not sell the guns in the first place, so it's unclear how it can "buy" them back. But it would result in disarming the populace, which would make the enforcement of their fascist method of government easier. A method I might remind folks of that worked very well as the NAZIs rolled across Germany and France. I will also point out that such a policy is NOT being promoted by any party I associate with . . . but it is being promoted by the individual running to lead the party that "shall not be named" . . . just sayin'.
As for being a NAZI - a member of the German National Socialist party that did, indeed, exert authoritarian control over their populace and much of Europe . . . well, that party has been defunct since 1945 - about 5 years prior to my birth. So . . . no . . . not a party member. Through my study of history and listening to the stories of family members who spent their war years bombing Germany into rubble, I find nothing attractive in their form of governance. However, the party that "shall not be named" does seem to be drawn to that form of government's power to control speech, to "enact" laws by simply speaking the words, utilizing the government's raw power to imprison or bankrupt their opponents and to simply make our Constitution a mere footnote in our history books. Something for all to keep in mind. I am fully and totally opposed to that governmental approach. Their desired approach to governing simply erases the Bill of Rights, installs them as arbiters of right and wrong and eliminates all resistance to them in thought, word and deed. Should their desires be fulfilled, we will complete our transition into Venezuela. Our Constitutional Republic will become one in name only.
As for DEPLORABLE, it would seem that I am "deserving of censure and contempt", I am "wretched", and I am "lamentable". Huh, who'd a thunk it . . . ??? Of course, I do consider the source . . . a past loser for the "party that shall not be named" . . . so I suspect there are more than a few bent noses and hard feelings. My general approach to such folks is a "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me" approach (however, if "sticks and stones" are used, I respond in kind.) Party on Hillary - you remain a loser.
November 5th is just around the corner. The choice is between an individual and party who demonstrated the success of their policies during his first term. Inflation was less than 2%, our borders were secure, our law enforcement was funded and held in high regard, our military was ready to meet any and all challenges, we were energy independent and there were no new wars on our planet.
With the election of the "party that shall not be named" they have open our borders to all comers - good and evil - without limit, simply lost over 300,000 children, flooded our nation with fentanyl killing over 100,000 of our citizens, done their very best to destroy and demoralize our law enforcement community nationwide, saddled our children with over 35+ TRILLION in national debt as of 9:30AM this morning, made boys into girls and girls into boys, destroyed women's sports, are in the process of degrading our military, made our money worth less and less with grocery prices and gas prices growing by 30%, eliminated millions of jobs and made the leadership of our nation the laughing stock of the world.
The choices next Tuesday are stark and simple.
Choose wisely.
Bill Keller
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There is only one person, within the presidential campaign, that has been recorded saying that HE will disband our Constitution. He's the leader of the maga cult. He also said that he will be a dictator. Which makes sense. The only world leaders, that he cares to deal with, are dictators themselves. It's rather humorous that, prior to 2016, almost any Conservative that ended up running against Kamala Harris, in 2024, would be favored to win by a landslide. But, your cult leader is in a dead-heat with her, instead. That's the makings of a party heading towards the toilet.
Cult: A "cult" refers to a group of people with a strong, often extreme devotion to a particular person, idea, or philosophy, usually characterized by practices considered outside the norms of society and often led by a charismatic leader with tight control over members; the term is often used with negative connotations, implying questionable or manipulative tactics to maintain followers.
Intense devotion:
Members of a cult exhibit unwavering loyalty and dedication to their leader and beliefs.
Isolation from outside world:
Cults often discourage interaction with people outside the group, promoting a sense of separation from mainstream society.
Charismatic leader:
A central figure with significant power and influence over the group's decisions and actions.
Unusual beliefs or practices:
Cults may hold unique or unconventional religious, philosophical, or spiritual views that differ significantly from the dominant culture.
Control tactics:
Manipulation, guilt trips, and pressure to conform are sometimes used to maintain loyalty within a cult.
Everything that your cult leader (and disciples) have told you about the intentions of the Democratic Party, has been projection upon themselves. You've been conned and brainwashed to believe everything they tell you. Even though, it's them that are doing the things they tell you Democrats are doing.
We don't know how deep the control is, but a good deprograming is suggested, sooner than later.
wrong all the time
Thank you Sir!