Dear Editor,

Had enough yet?

Damn straight, I've had enough of the slander, enough of the intimidation, enough misdirection, falsehoods, downright lies and the insults to integrity, character, and honesty. As well as uncontrolled inflation, open borders, MS-13, Venezuelan sponsored gang - Tren de Aragua, Fentanyl overdose deaths, the many murders attributed to illegal ALIENS!!

I've had enough of Obama, Hillary, and Harris calling me "a bitter clinger to my guns and bible", a basket of deplorables -irreconcilables", and now I'm a NAZI. That takes the cake - yee gods.

I think I have done my part in serving in the Air Force as a jet pilot during the Cold War and Vietnam. The oath I took then as a new 2nd Lieutenant I honor to this day,[particularly protecting the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic in particular the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 8th Amendments] and along with it the "Code of Conduct"; I am an American fighting man, I serve in the forces that guard our country and protect our way of life…….".

I have been for Donald J. Trump since 2015, nothing to this date has made me change my mind. He was and is a disruptor, a shaker and a mover; exactly what is needed to drain the DAMN swamp of evil and corruption in today's Government. If I had the power every manager in the bureaucracy would be looking for another job TODAY!

I believe there is a certain weakness in the Flag Rank of our Officer Corps. This DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) crap must end, we need the best qualified in our military ranks from officer to enlisted. Each member with an MOS must be well-trained and proficient in their assigned tasks. After Vietnam, our Army, Navy and Air Force got its "mo jo" back during the first Gulf War -1991 - decisive victory. Since then there has been a deterioration in our Military Academy leadership' and in some cases, our Field and Flag officer ranks. Crap, Crap equals "used oats". A correction is needed, which means the page must be turned to a different chapter than what we have experienced the last three-plus years of Biden/Harris. Good Grief!

The question? - How do the Democrats expect to heal our Nation when they insult and disrespect fully one-half of the voting public? See the first paragraph.

I take offense at being pressured into buying products that the elite say we need "for our own good". An electric vehicle does not fit my needs and I will not buy one. Energy is the key to bringing down inflation to acceptable levels thereby improving everyone's financial condition; we need multiple sources, Crude, Nat. gas, Hydropower, and particularly non-polluting Modular Nuclear Reactors. The buying power of your dollar has dropped fully $.25 since Joe Biden became President - with no improvement in sight. If V.P. Harris is elected there will be no changes to Biden's policies. This reminds me of a saying during the Vietnam War, "and the big fool says to press on." No matter the danger or bad judgment.

Thanks to certain brave writers to these opinion pages namely; Peggy Kelly, Bill Keller, Julie Hansen, Dave Coots and others who I have neglected to mention - hoorah! Think through the critics' points? I use that term with hesitation, because they have neglected to raise defense of the issues raised. What they have done instead is ATTACK the writer. As a group they have never raised an original thought - ever. They adhere to the "narrative, the talking point(s)".

Consider -Jim Crow laws, imprisonment of journalists (W. Wilson), concentration camps for Japanese citizens, the refusal to accept Jews fleeing from 1930's Germany (FDR), KKK( Robert Byrd a Gran Kriegle -whatever that means) are all Democrats! So history, if we study it, can be a key to the future. We must study it so as to not repeat the mistakes of the past.

At the present we have Palestinian/Hamas sympathizers at our universities, Anti Semitics, anti-Israel groups - all aligned with Democrats.

The right path is to elect Donald Trump 47th President of the U.S.

A definition of Propaganda from the Prophet Isaiah 5:20 -- "They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter."

"People will believe what they wish to believe regardless of data or facts"

- Thomas Sowell.

Regards and blessings,

John Stiegelmeyer


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PK October 30, 2024, 9:05 pm THANK GOD for the True American Citizens WHO KNOW WHAT THIS COUNTRY NEEDS AND NOW!!! That is best displayed in John's opinion. It certainly speaks for myself as well as others like GB, DC, BK, and so forth.
If Trump supporters are garbage then let us smell to high heaven next Tuesday night!!! I will tell you what:if that RED PHONE ever rings loudly in the White House, everyone better pray that Trump and Vance are there to pick it up!!! Harris would have to call Obama first to find out what she should do.
They can save this country!!!
RS October 30, 2024, 9:31 pm Such a bitter angry old man.
GB October 31, 2024, 4:10 am Great read John!

PK, welcome back, hope all is well.

RS, why are you and DL always so bitter towards anyone who happens to post a conservative thought?
You appear to be obsessed with hating everything that makes this country great. You appear to be a very hateful with a grudge against half of America.
We have a dementia patient in the WH and a over priced call girl as VP who isn't anymore qualified than Biden is to run this country, expecting a promotion. It's sickening what the corrupt and self serving politicians have tried to do to this great country. They have our adversaries laughing at us and our weak foreign and domestic policies of our current President.
PK October 31, 2024, 10:46 am Thanks, GB!!'s my conundrum. Just who thought this woman from California [It was California?] would be an excellent choice for VP to run with Biden? [Was it Michelle's husband?] The BIG SHOTS in the Democratic Party thought she could be seen, but never heard. Well, that worked for a while. Then she was sent hither and yon to keep her tucked away from the Big Job in Washington. Soon...many many articles were written about Harris in less than a favorable light. The "pick" began to be tainted. Mainly the Democratic Party, began to question their selection. Everywhere the VP went, the negative cloud followed. It's an astonishment to me that people apparently forgot our dear Border Czar!! My...My!!! But Biden canned her and tried to blame her for the entire mess. And I do mean MESS!!! However, the illegal immigrant MESS started with Obama and continued with Biden. [You know how I phrase it: BIDEN'S BIGGEST BLUNDER.] After Biden let her go, she traveled anywhere THEY sent her which was always a "foot in the mouth" fiasco. Don't lie, you Democrats...Everyone discussed how weak Harris was as a VP. I recall the news that the Democrats were going to give her a new "image," and make her more acceptable for the voters. [You know...Down to earth and homey.] I kept waiting for the big change. What happened??? The woman does NOT have enough political experience to run this country!!! [Neither does Walz!!] If that's the best the Democrats can come up with, how could they ever appoint cabinet members and ambassadors? The pickings are slim!!! WHY IS THE WEAK VP NOW JUST A WONDERFUL CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT???

One side note: It is estimated that it will cost 53-58 BILLION dollars a year to take care of these illegal immigrants. And, just who is going to pick up the tab? LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!!
ME October 31, 2024, 1:21 pm Y'all are quick to point out that the KKK started in the early 20th century Democrats, and try to completely ignore that it's the GOP that gets the donations & votes of late 20th & early 21st century KKK - Reagan was at least smart enough to turn them down. Democrats have been fighting the not-sees the entire time, the modern GOP has their support. Those Jews turned away in the 30s? Refugees.Asylum-seekers. "Immigrants" that y'all MAGAts have been crying about for the last 12 years.

You forget your oath. "All enemies, foreign and domestic" include those that steal boxes upon boxes of classified documents and try to hide them in their country club restroom, even when they promise you a good tax break. There's a word for people who's loyalty can be bought like that.
DL October 31, 2024, 2:07 pm I've warned the whole lot of you, that you are brainwashed. It's unlikely, because of the nature-of-the-beast, but, I hope you all are able to get the help you need. This is not about political differences anymore. It's about a huge group of Americans that cannot see the truth, right before your eyes. You have been drowned with lies about Democrat's intentions. You have built up intense hate for people that you once could call your friend. The Democratic Party has no intention of doing the things you've been lied to about.

You are still complaining about inflation, when the number has been down to 2.5% for several months now. The prices you see are price gouging.

Our economy is stronger today, than it has been since 2017.You let your cult leader and programmer lie to you, his whole term, about the strength of the economy. He said it was the best ever, when it wasn't even better than the Carter years.

You've complained about the stock market, for 4 years now. The fact is, all 3 major indices have increased value by more, in this administration, than in Trump's. So, if you've lost money, I'd say that's on you.
RB October 31, 2024, 2:11 pm Damn straight, I've had enough of the slander, enough of the intimidation, enough misdirection, falsehoods, downright lies and the insults to integrity, character, and honesty. No mention of Donald Trump who actually uses all of that in this campaign. Remember “poisoning our blood?” Do you support a 92 time indicted felon, convicted of 34 of them? Do yo support a sexual offender? Do you support a tax fraud? If you do it says as much about your character as it does his! Harris just repeats what Trump is recorded as saying or what is in project 2025. Your boy is still saying: “they’re eating the cats and dogs!”
DL October 31, 2024, 2:12 pm J.S.
I've told you in the past, I don't feel the need to write a Letter to the Editor. I'm busy enough correcting the lies that you folks post. I don't even know how to go about sending in an opinion, because I've never looked into it.

Editor’s note: it’s pretty easy! Just email it to
PK October 31, 2024, 5:17 pm To whom it may concern...

On paper I'm still a registered Democrat. The Democrats can lie and cover up and cheat. All you need to know who to vote for is LOOK AT OUR COUNTRY RIGHT NOW!!! Then it only takes some good common sense!!!
PK November 3, 2024, 2:09 pm DL...I am NOT brain-washed!!! I much prefer using my brain for MORE IMPORTANT things such as voting for someone who can run this country rather than one who will FINISH RUNNING THE COUNTRY INTO THE GROUND!!!! Maybe you should use your brain to see the deep cracks in the Harris/Walz ticket!!! They are numerous.