Dear Editor,

What can we expect with a Democrat Party win????

Fully open borders . . . an illegal migrant raped a 5-year-old on Long Island yesterday . . . expect more of this and much, much more.

Higher prices . . . everything starts with low-cost energy. Cheap fuel to plant, harvest, transport, process, and deliver goods to our grocery stores, hardware stores, clothing stores, furniture stores. The Democrat Party's absolute war on cheap energy will continue to raise consumer prices by 30+%.

Higher electricity prices while they chase the dream of "cheap solar", "cheap wind" (at least when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing) rather than nuclear power, natural gas generators and refurbishing coal plants.

The insane mandate of a full transition to EVs by 2035. It's not achievable - and everyone knows it . . . but that will not stop their war on economical and reliable transportation.

An absolute war of free speech. Hillary screams that those who spread "misinformation" must go to jail. Of course, the arbiter of the "misinformation" will be the Democrat party and their chosen minions. So, if you point out how harmful and ineffective THE vaccine has been - JAIL!! If your 6-year-old son determines that they are really a girl - the boy will be taken from you and "he" will become "she" whether you like it or not! If you question how an election was run, if you point out all the inconsistencies in rules, how things were counted, how many times a ballot was counted, how many ballots were dropped off at drop boxes - JAIL!! If you resist the flood of illegal migrants because they are committing crimes, murders, trafficking women and children and killing 100,000s of our citizens with fentanyl . . . JAIL YOU STINKIN' LIAR! If you refuse to use the proper pronoun of the fat bellied middle-aged male standing before you in a miniskirt while suckin' on a beer and a stogie demanding to be called "Cherise" . . . JAIL you homophobe!!! If a person with a significant "package" walks into your daughter's changing room to slip on "her" swimsuit for the swim meet while introducing "herself" as "Charlotte" and you do what any red blooded American dad does to protect his daughter and you "lay him out" . . . JAIL you violent homophobe.

There will also be a continued war of the 2nd Amendment. When our "betters" in the Democrat Party finally get enough votes to pass the mythical "MANDATORY" gun buy-back . . . and those collecting said guns are met with a wall of lead . . . JAIL you murders!!! This is one "red line" that may well ignite a new round of what was once called the "recent unpleasantness" in the mid-1860s.

There will be a continued war on our military with the continuation of the current DEI policies as our troops grow fat, unable to execute their various missions and the readiness of our ships and aircraft continues to decline at an alarming rate.

There will be continued lawfare of anyone that opposes our betters in the Democrat Party. The fabrications against Trump and multiple lawsuits are clear evidence of their desires. I'm sure they make Maduro proud. The lies from those tasked to keep us safe will surely continue. Remember RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA??? Over $30 MILLION was spent and thousands of witnesses were called. When we finally got to the bottom of it all . . . we found a nothing burger. Remember the NON EXISTENT "Hunter Laptop"??? We were assured by 51 senior intelligence officers that it DID NOT EXIST!!! Yet after the election and Trump "lost" . . . what do ya know . . . it really did exist? There were no apologies . . . no "Man, did we get that wrong!" statements . . . just relief that it "worked" and Biden was elected.

Rather than being a nation of discussion, debate, evaluating multiple ideas and choosing what works best . . . we will simply be required to OBEY!!

I know, I know . . . HITLER!!! FASCIST!!! GARBAGE!!!

But . . . what if you really set the invective aside and looked and listened . . . I mean REALLY LOOKED AND LISTENED to the actual POLICIES and ACTIONS of the people in power today. Has this Democrat Party acted to "Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States"? Has this Democrat Party acted to defend our nation's borders? Has this Democrat Party acted to protect and defend its citizens? Has the Democrat Party enacted policies to make life easier for our citizens? Has this Democrat Party acted to support and defend local law enforcement? Has this Democrat Party acted to educate and defend our children? Has this Democrat Party acted to ensure that our nation is better off today than it was the day they took control? Because that . . . that right there is the only measure of whether they should be allowed another 4 years to continue their policies.

For me . . . the Democrat Party as it exists and is represented today . . . has failed across the board. There is only one choice . . . they must go. And on November 5th my vote will help make that happen.

Bill Keller


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RS November 1, 2024, 12:06 pm Bill,
Your hero and savior Trump said this last night on stage with Tucker Carlson in Glendale, Arizona, the menace. Here he was on former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney:

“She’s a radical war hawk. Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, okay? Let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face."

The man who wants to be President has threatened Liz Cheney with death and probably has added to his long list of criminal charges. I don't expect you to denounce this rethoric because according to MAGA, Trump can say and do anything and it is alright, heck you probably agree with him.

Like I said to John, you are a bitter, angry, old man.
Rosemary Schwartz
JS November 1, 2024, 2:14 pm rs. I'm I little long in the tooth but I am not bitter I see things as they are. Liz is a war hawk that's what Trump was pointing out. MAGA. John
RS November 1, 2024, 8:44 pm John,
Mr. “Let me tell you about my military experience” is trying to assert now that you are worried about Daddy and Daughter Cheney are war hawks.

Somehow, I have a feeling that after 9/11 when VP Dick Cheney was concocting a story that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was somehow involved with the 9/11 attacks, (which Iraq was not), that the US should invade Iraq you were supportive of that effort.

It is only now since the Cheney’s have seen the light and are raising alarms of the dangers of Trump that you are changing your tune and proclaiming them to be war hawks. The hypocrisy is amazing.

Are you now going to say that the war in Iraq was because of VP Dick Cheney being a war hawk and we should not have invaded? I bet you thought Dick Cheney was a great leader back then.

BTW the long rantings of both you and Bill are indeed an example of being bitter and angry. Have you ever read what you have written? You two find enemies at every corner and always blame it on the Democrats.

Rosemary Schwartz

SG November 1, 2024, 11:44 pm Liz Cheney is NOT a victim. Her father owned stock in Haliburton, padding his pockets. Dick Cheney retired from the Pentagon in 1993 to accede to the throne of Halliburton. No doubt he used that to influence W. to start yet another war.
Trump on the other hand wants OUT of war and that is a BAD thing??? Who cares what Bush did or how things were sold to us then. We are talking about NOW.
Trump pointed out that Liz has encouraged supporting the war in Ukraine...did she not? For some reason it seems that our government is all about keeping this war going rather than finding a solution.
Wonder why?
Trump simply said that if she was over there and people were shooting at her, she'd change her tune. He's right.
He didn't threaten her, good grief, you need to get your facts straight, for a change. Context is a beautiful thing...
The media will tie themselves up in a knot to try to make a noose for Trump twisting the meaning of words like "bloodbath" from a financial term to a violent one...along with just about everything else he says.
Hillary has fed the Hitler reference against Trump as well as Nazi and Fascist. Your party is sick. The party of "joy" is calling the mentally ill to react, again.
I am starting to believe that the intelligence of the Republicans is far superior to that of the Democrats. The use of words and comprehension seem to be elusive to the average Democrat. This group seems to run on emotion, and whatever the media dishes out. There's a google machine where you can see if Trump really says all the things they insist that he did. (Hint: he didn't.)
The proposed leader, Harris, can't come up with any original thoughts. She couldn't make a deep statement if her life depended on it. (just to clarify that is NOT a threat...cuz I bet you'll twist THAT as well.)
Case in point, the Harris' restaurant where word salads are handed out liberally, of course. There is an all-you-can-tolerate mountain of words and not a single point because she "grew up in a middle-class family unburdened by what has been."
BTW I find your degrading of our soldiers abhorrent. Unless you've worn combat boots...overseas, take all the seats and quit talking down to our men who did.
BK November 1, 2024, 11:56 pm Rosemary,

My suggestion would be that you review the video clip of Trump’s statement rather than listening to the pundits.
What Trump implied was that if Liz Cheney had ever spent a moment in combat facing live fire, she’d not be so quick to send men and women to their deaths.
I suspect you simply listened to the breathless banter of leftist pundits . . . many of whom are now issuing retractions and apologies. Trump, at no time, ever threatened to kill Liz Cheney via a firing squad – that is a lie.
As for how a person’s perception can be changed by enemy fire . . . it goes something like this . . .
When a sandbag is slapped by a live round next to your head – you realize you could be dead as easily as you are alive.
When mortars and rockets explode around your area, you realize that today may well be your day.
When you catch the last bird out and the rear has a number of dead soldiers in it that are beginning their journey home – a part of you wonders why you are not among them.
When you read the names of the 5,000+ on the panels of the Wall that died during your tour you wonder if one of them was more deserving of going home than you.
These things add perspective that civilian “war hawks” have no understanding of. If you’ve never experienced the real possibility of death in combat – it’s much easier to send our youth to their graves than if you’ve experienced war yourself. That was Trump’s point.
And then you have Tim Walz, that chose cowardice by abandoning those men he’d trained rather than to lead them on their deployment to the Mideast . . . and then he repeatedly implied that he’d carried a M4 in combat . . . his Stolen Valor should automatically throw him on the ash heap of history – hopefully the American voters will.

Get your facts straight Rosemary.
RS November 2, 2024, 8:43 am The last two comments are sane washing Trump. The issue is that Trump can not communicate in a way that is clear and concise. He is too busy doing the "weave". Bone spurs Trump has denigrated our military in various ways but all of you remain silent. Trump has no place talking about anyone going to war as though he really cares.
Also I did not denigrate the military . Some people have to live in the so-called glory days and keep reminding us. There have been thousands who have died in the battlefield. Unlike Trump I believe those are the true heros, not the ones who constantly feeds there own ego by telling stories of the past over and over.

I have not or ever will be a Cheney supporter. But at the same time a draft dodger would be president should not be publicly using incendiary speech against his perceived enemies and saying that he would use the military against our own citizens because his ego cannot take criticism.
Rosemary Schwartz

GB November 2, 2024, 10:15 am The Democratic Party has become the Party of Traitors to this country
GB November 2, 2024, 10:39 am RS,
Must you always personally attack everyone who happens to have a more conservative opinion? The sick obsession you clearly have for Trump and anyone who doesn't support your overrated and incompetent candidate is unhealthy and strongly suggests you may have issues far greater than politics.
Some of us enjoy reading what John and Bill have to say. Their opinions are full of informative substance and reflect the concerns most of America has about the corrupt and incompetent leadership we have had in the executive branch of our government for almost four miserable years. They have a right to express their opinions without being personally attacked and with the sarcastic comment you made about John's military service, your contempt for this country and veterans is offensive and disgusting. You owe him a personal apology.
I am personally thankful for John's service to our country.
PK November 2, 2024, 1:38 pm RS...I'm puzzled. You go on and on and on running down Donald Trump, but I don't see any accolades for your nominee Harris. No response at all to any of BK's or GB's or my "telling it like it is" facts about Harris. Why not??? MAYBE SHE'S NOT SO W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L AFTER ALL!!!!!
RS November 2, 2024, 2:41 pm GB
You are the last person who should be lecturing anyone about their comments. You routinely fling personal insults and demean the people who you do not agree with. Clean up your own speech before talking about others.
jt November 2, 2024, 9:04 pm As I have been reading the repeated opinions from both sides before our election I am usually distracted by those that fill sentences full of words in capital letters. Is it to get readers to notice only those words so we don't read the whole sentence or paragraph? This seems directed to those that only read the headlines without reading the entire article in a newspaper. Come on, we are more intelligent than you think! However, there is a candidate who usually puts his social media comments in "all caps", so maybe you are just copying his technique. Reading words in "all caps" makes me feel like I am being shouted at in anger and your thoughts become more irrational. I am really tired of feeling that way, please stop this. Is this how you would speak to your children, spouse, or parent?
The outcome of this election should be about issues and policy to solve problems, not about fear and extreme actions toward fellow human beings. To those that have not voted yet, keep doing your research through valid resources, vote to the best of your knowledge, and let's respectfully accept the results this time.
GB November 3, 2024, 3:49 am RS,
You still owe John an apology for slandering and mocking his military service.

Clearly you hate this country and you have no respect for veterans. If you are so miserable maybe you should consider moving to a country more in line with the way you think. Gaza, Iran or even China comes to mind. Maybe you could find yourself in one of those countries. I may be wrong but I do not believe those countries would be so tolerant with your speech.

You still owe John an apology..
PK November 3, 2024, 10:05 am RS...You seem awfully upset and bothered by the FACTS that BK...JS...GB...and I share. Maybe underneath, you know we are all right!!!
Like I said earlier, I don't see your STRONG support for the "salad speaker"!!!!!