Sometimes it's entertaining to read comments sent in by our readers, and so easy to click the little button that says, "Approved" and send the comments out for all of you to read.
Other times we get comments that are ones you HOPE no one would stand on the street corner and shout.
Sometimes I wonder if the persons commenting have just had a bad day or are just born cranky.
Other times, we've gotten a note that says, "Hey, don't run that..." or "Did it sound okay?"
Sometimes there are comments that I read and scratch my head over, I don't get what they mean, or it appears off topic, I'll usually put those through too.
I enjoy the ones questioning WHY we did something this way for one group and another way for a different group.
Most of the time those answers are simple, and while may look "unfair" to some of our readers, they are just a matter of the way in which we received the information, and I don't mind at all telling everyone that.
On the flip side, being occassionally crabby myself, go figure, being a woman, mom and loving wife, I try to understand the crabby commenters.
I don't mind sending out an occassionaly crabby comment, signed and all, but some days, when I get multiple comments, that are just in poor taste, I refuse to put them out there.
There's something about having something fun to read, and we hope at times a bit entertaining, ruined by someone's bad day.
Many, many times, I've sat in this seat and written article after article, then let them simmer a few days or weeks before hitting the "Publish" button. Many times I reread them and decide it wasn't exactly what I wanted to say or how I wanted to say it.
I try to take that approach to our comments.
I'm sure after a few days on the back burner, folks wouldn't say some of the things they do.
So if you send in a cranky comment, signed, sealed and appropriately notatrized, and you still don't see it on Vinton Today, well, it may have been tossed into the, "Too Crabby to Print" bin.
Now this article will sit on the back burner a few days, just to simmer, in hopes that when I check on it again, it will sound sweet, just like I always am!
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