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We are proud to announce the 4th Annual Nathan's Miles Glow Fun Run 5K!!!

This is a great, affordable family event. Last year there were over 200 participants and Nathan's Miles Foundation was able to give TWO $2,000 scholarships to two graduating seniors from Vinton-Shellsburg through registrations and generous donations!!

There will be a Kids Glow Run at 6:15 pm, and then the 5K begins at 7:00 pm.

You can register for the event at the link below.

Let's get out and get our FUN RUN ON!!!!!

**This is an untimed event, that is for fun and enjoyment. If you want to time yourself feel free, but there are no prizes for placing in this race**

  • Location: Vinton-Shellsburg High School
  • Cost: Kids Run: Free 5K: $20
  • Organizer: Nathan's Miles Foundation
  • Contact: Hesson Family
  • Email:

  • Click HERE to register!


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