COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA -MAY 25, 2023 -- 7:00 PM; 1-646-558-8656; Webinar ID: 881 9124 4736

1. Call to order and roll call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approve agenda

4. Consent Agenda

a. Receive & file Council work session & meeting minutes of May 11, 2023

b. Receive & file Library meeting minutes of April 12, 2023

c. Receive & file Airport meeting minutes of March 15 & May 17, 2023

d. Approval of Special Class C Retail Alcohol License for McBride Mobile Taps LLC

e. Approval of renewal of cigarette/tobacco permits for Dollar General & Ehlinger's Express

f. Approval of City invoices

5. Receive and file communications & petitions or remonstrances

6. Committee Reports

7. Citizen's Input (Council will not take any action on public comments at this meeting, but may do so at a future meeting. Please limit presentation to 3 minutes.)

8. Old Business

a. 305 E 5th Street Auction

b. Public hearing on disposal of real estate owned by the City of Vinton (305 E 5th Street)

c. Resolution directing the disposal of an interest in real property following a public hearing

d. 512 W 6th Street Auction

e. Public hearing on disposal of real estate owned by the City of Vinton (512 W 6th Street)

f. Resolution directing the disposal of an interest in real property following a public hearing

g. Approval of contract with JR Stelzer Co for East Water Tower Painting project

h. Approval of contract with Arends Excavating for B Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension

i. Approval of dump body purchase and install from Truck Country

9. New Business

a. Approval of resolution approving the creation and addition of a flexible spending account as an employee benefit

b. Approval of a resolution to set a hearing and give notice on a proposed ordinance to amend the zoning district map

c. Approval of street closure request for Vinton Farmer's Market for summer 2023

d. Approval of special event application for Boomtown, August 26, 2023

e. Set a date for a public hearing on the proposed contract documents and estimated cost for the West 1st Street Improvements

f. Set a date for a public hearing for the FY23 budget amendment

10. Reports

11. Good & Welfare

12. Adjournment


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