The local Lions service club is affiliated with Lions Clubs International and their mission of empowering volunteers to "serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding." The club has carried out Lions Kids' Sight vision screening locally since 2004 in conjunction with University of Iowa Hospitals and clinics. Vinton members screened 763 preschool children for vision last year, referring 36 for further testing and preventative eye care. Vinton's club, founded in 1921, is one of the earliest Lions clubs in Iowa and possibly the first nationally to focus on vision projects prior to Helen Keller's invitation to the national club to become "Knights for the Blind" in 1925. Vinton Lions also raise money for a wide range of local projects through sales of concessions at at Party in the Park and other community events. Look for their trailer at Riverside Park this weekend. Today the local club has 79 members and meets weekly at noon. They welcome speakers on a wide variety of topics and programs, and prospective members. New officers include: L to R, Dick Kerdus, Treasurer: Bret Nelson, Director; Mary Jo Hainstock, Director: Dale Schmidt, Lion Tamer: Lynn Montgomery, Secretary: President Alan Woodhouse; Sara Stuefen, Director; Mike Timmermans, 2nd Vice President; and 1st Vice President, Phil Borleske.Not pictured: Scott Barron, Director; and Rob Levis, Tail Twister and 3rd Vice President and Past President Calvin Rickels. New members include Dean Schminke, Amy VanWechel and Lana Elwick.
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