Dear Editor,

A candidate's past track record is more indicative of what they will actually do in office, not what they say during a campaign.

My vote will not be determined by their "personality," good or bad, or campaign promises. I will vote based upon 1) party platform and 2) the candidate's track record.

Back in 2015, I was quoted as saying, "I could never vote for Trump." I saw the outward presentation of the man. His bravado turned me off, despite liking what he said. When the primary election was over, I eventually voted for Trump. I have ever since. On this November 5th, I will be voting for the Trump/Vance ticket for President.

I think both candidates, Harris and Trump, are "wrecking balls." But that is where the similarities end!

Folks are used to hearing Trump being described as a "wrecking ball." I agree he is. However, many folks have stated they personally did better, especially economically, under Trump's first term as President.

His "wrecking ball" apparently dismantled things that impeded the growth of our job market, paychecks, investments, the entrepreneurial/business sector, including international trade. His policies promoted life, a secure border, our constitution and keeping our nation's sovereignty.

Trump's track record reveals a persevering temperament. He will do what he has said he will do, to the best of his ability! Overseas, Trump handled trade agreements in ways that would stop our "mousy" economic relationship with other countries. He proved confident and effective in dealing with other international leaders.

The other "wrecking ball" on the ballot is that of the Kamala Harris/Tim Walz ticket and the National Democratic Party platform.

In my opinion, their "wrecking ball" destroys the very fundamentals of what defines our country as great. It squashes the incentive to work for higher personal goals and weakens a devout faith in God. It promotes over-reaching government mandates, price controls, and more dependence on government payouts. It tramples the sacredness of innocent human life. Let's not forget the devastation of an open southern border and the tremendous growth of DEI, trans-genderism, and the erosion of parental rights.

Back in the 2004 Democratic platform, abortion was described as needing to be "safe, legal, and rare." That statement is nowhere to be found now! It seems that abortion rights have been hyper-promoted in the Democratic Party.

"Tim Walz has made his support of unlimited abortion a foundation of his administration," Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life, said in a press statement. "Both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have yet to hear of an abortion they would oppose."

I recall Planned Parenthood was caught on audio record as talking about the selling of baby body parts, even instructions on how to harvest the parts for greater financial gain. This is an atrocity! Planned Parenthood was just forced to admit in court to harvesting aborted fetal parts - Washington Examiner (Att Gen Kamala's role is mentioned here.)

To me there is a moral boundary regarding the argument, "my body, my right." A person has a "right" to eat a box of Twinkies every day for a year. Although it's not healthy, they can make that choice. But there is a moral boundary when the "right" to abortion involves killing a human life- the baby. Even baby eagle eggs are protected by law. Why? Because there is a baby eaglet inside, that will eventually become an adult eagle. It is protected for what it is, and what it is becoming.

I have voted for at least 2 Democrats in my lifetime. I believed their views and track record aligned more with my values. I guess that makes me NOT a "MAGA-cult" member. I can think for myself. Trump is not perfect. Never will be.

But he has my vote based upon his track record and the Republican Platform.

I am not racist. I am not phobic of anyone different than I am.

I love God. I love this country. I support our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I want to retain our Electoral College.

Yes, folks. There are two "wrecking balls" on the ballot this November. I will vote for the one whose track record and Party Platform results in a healthier, more free, and more sovereign nation. The Biden/Harris term has accelerated evil, chaos and destruction on families and society. I urge you to vote for Trump/Vance on November 5th.

Here is a comparison guide on the two candidates, and is also reflective of the party platforms. 2024 Election Comparison Guide

(Note- Under Parental Rights heading- I researched the statement about HF 1655. There was some revision of wording and it is clarified now that the file does not protect pedophiles.)

Julie Hansen


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RB October 23, 2024, 1:29 pm You really need to look at the republican platform and their record in the past 40+ years. Bush 1 handed Clinton a severe recession. Clinton handed Bush 2 a budget surplus. Bush 2 handed Obama an economy that was near collapse and was shedding 700,000 jobs a month. Obama handed Trump 75 straight months of job creation. Trump handed Biden an economy that was shut down due to Covid and his avoidance of dealing with it until hundreds of thousands died. Remember, "it's like the flu."

Biden has added over 16 million jobs (with Harris as vice president) and our economy is the envy of the world. Biden is blamed for inflation, but inflation had it's roots during the pandemic (Trump) due to a severe supply chain breakdown. Biden didn't cause that, it happened in 2020.

Energy prices soared because producers cut production due to a collapse of the price of a barrel of oil when no one was driving. When Biden got the economy really kick-started world production was kept low and the profit margin on a barrel of oil soared. Look at the quarterly billions oil companies made while we paid high prices. That is on corporate greed and nothing Biden did.

Also, the war in Ukraine led to a further shortage of oil supply as did Russia and Saudi Arabia deciding to further cut production just recently.

Trump is mainly running on immigration. Ever ask why, when we had a bi-partisan border bill that was very strong, that Trump lobbied to kill the bill? He did that because passing it would make Biden look good. So is that an American first or a me first action?

Finally, Trump is a serial sex offender, indicted on 92 felonies of which 34 were convictions and more to come, a tax fraud, and had five children with three wives that he cheated on. How anyone can vote for that type of person is beyond me?
In your article you said Trump will do what he said. Have you looked at Project 2025? You probably should.

In my humble opinion Harris is a breath of fresh air that has been needed for awhile. We need someone to bring the country together and not divide us. That is Kamala Harris.
DVB October 23, 2024, 2:28 pm Well written piece Julie. I couldn’t agree more!
DL October 23, 2024, 2:46 pm The Republican Platform is called Project 2025. If you believe in that, you don't believe in America or our Constitution.
CL October 23, 2024, 4:37 pm Well said, Julie! My thoughts exactly! Thank you! We’re heading down a very slippery slope if we elect Harris and there’s no coming back!
GB October 23, 2024, 6:06 pm Extremely well said! It really is a battle between good and evil.
JS October 23, 2024, 7:28 pm Lindsay and Braden have never had an original thought otherwise they would have written something other than critical comments. There is only one choice for the top spot. Trump/Vance. He is feared by the left so come the lies.
John Stiegelmeyer
LH October 23, 2024, 10:16 pm RB you are spot on. He certainly will do exactly as he says which is to suspend the Constitution and become a dictator on day one. How anyone can call themselves a God fearing person and still vote for Trump is beyond me. He is a pathological liar, a fascist, lacks any morality and is the greatest danger America has ever faced.
SG October 23, 2024, 11:04 pm Context..."suspend the Constitution and become a dictator on day one" seriously. Fascist? Threat to democracy. Didn't you forget a few more?
When half the country wants this guy dead so badly that they continue this rhetoric while doing exactly what they blame Trump for, it's unbelievable.
In Trump's "suspend the constitution" remark it came on the heels of asking if the previous election was your research, then try critical thinking skills...
On the dictator bit, the full quote was, "TRUMP: He says, "You're not gonna be a dictator, are you?" I said no, no, no … other than Day One. We're closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I'm not a dictator, OK?"
That accusation was FIRST made up by the media and Trump answered the accusation. Then the media said, "Aha! You SAID IT!"
Every says how much Trump lies, while they ignore the millions of lies told about Trump. Then the masses swallow them hook, line and sinker and are too lazy or suffer from TDS so much that they CAN'T google to find the facts for themselves.
I've heard it said that the election will be an IQ test, no freaking kidding-the problem is we have people too lazy to research anything for themselves. I wonder why mainstream media is dying.
RS October 23, 2024, 11:13 pm Julie,
Let’s be honest. You spent many paragraphs trying to justify voting for the most contemptable candidate for President that we have ever had. But a large portion of your letter was about the real reason why you support Trump, abortion.

You have a right to be anti-abortion as I have the right to support the right of women to decide their own reproductive choices. To insist that after contemplating the candidates positions on various issues you came up with your decision to support Trump is disingenuous because it all comes down to abortion. You were never ever going to support a Democratic candidate no matter who it is.

The many paragraphs trying to justify your support for Trump who lies at the drop of a hat, who is racist, xenophobic, no morals, a President who believes that those in the military are suckers and losers even those who have paid the ultimate price or were captured. This is the person you choose as a candidate of God?!

Just the last couple of days General Kelly, Trump’s longest chief of staff came out publicly in an explosive article and audio detailing Trump’s love of Hitler and had stated he wanted generals like Hitler who he thought would do whatever he wanted.

General Kelly as well as others have labeled Trump a fascist. I suggest reading this article for the truth of what kind of person you are supporting.

General Kelly is not only one of the many government professionals who worked with Trump and saw up close and personal just what a vile human being he is. General’s Mattis, Milley, McMaster, John Bolton, Mark Esper, Dan Coates, Don McGann, Mike Pence all have disavowed Trump, Those who support Trump who hide behind the flag, patriotism, the military in blindly supporting Trump are a disgrace.

The exercise in justification for your support is just that, an exercise to project you gave your decision careful thought, but really it was about restrictive women’s right to health care. Let’s be honest.
Rosemary Schwartz
BK October 23, 2024, 11:37 pm Absolutely agree - the record tells the tale.

* Secure border vs wide open border
* No new wars vs the opening gambit of WWIII
* Inflation of 1.2% vs 30%
* A nearly bankrupt Iran vs hundreds of millions of new revenue for Iran
* America's cities secured by LEOs vs Defund the police
* Boys and girls vs whatever the heck you want to be
* Title 10 protecting women's sports vs men beating the crap out of women athletes
* Freedom of speech vs the left defining "misinformation"
* Freedom of religion vs going to jail for sharing God's word

It's not hard to determine what needs to be "wrecked" and what needs to be nurtured. Your points were perfectly made and I am hopeful that Former President Trump will win a richly deserved second term!!
LH October 24, 2024, 9:17 am
GB October 24, 2024, 1:23 pm DL
RS October 24, 2024, 4:52 pm Gerald,
What are you talking about? Project 2025 is real and written by former members of the Trump Administration and the Heritage Foundation.

Saying it is not real or made up by Democrats does not make it so. Can you not read? Stop trying to gaslight, again.

Rosemary Schwartz
GB October 26, 2024, 6:09 am RS,
Blah, Blah, Blah... if I were to create a document and make a claim it is the game plan for the Democratic Party and in it lists that Unicorns are real and that Democrats secretly admire Republicans because Democrats are miserable in their own skin. Then make a claim that by 2050 all Democrats will live on the moon, would you believe it? You might... you seem to believe everything else.. I could come up with better sources for news and information in a truck stop restroom than you seem to be getting from whatever source you are using.

JS October 29, 2024, 3:12 pm RB DL Have you ever had an original thought? I didn't think so. Project 2025 is a Heritage Document - 900 pages. Not at all part of the Republican Platform. There are so many falsehoods put forth by the Democrat/Socialist/Marxist, and the Main Stream Media it is hard for a correct thought person to keep up. Frankly the left has nothing but fear to offer. The question - are you better off now than under the Trump Administration? All of my direct costs are up - insurance, Property Taxes, groceries, fuel you name it. The whole key to reducing everyday Ameicans costs is ENERGY. nAT GAS, MODULAR nUCLEAR, cRUDE OIL WHEN these sources are released from gov. over regulation inflation will return to reasonable levels. Not before.

Julie -- well written. You go girl!!!!! The Dems have nothing to offer the working middle class except more misery!!!! America First, MAGA
john Stiegelmeyer God Bless. Today I voted for the only choice to save our Nation and our way of life ----