Et Cetera

More than 160 students participate in VFW Auxiliary Essay Contest

Our VFW Ladies Auxiliary 8884 of Vinton held our Essay Contest at Vinton-Shellsburg Elementary schools.  The teachers did a great job working with the students on writing their essays. The students wrote them on their own but the teachers explained the themes for each grade.  This is our third year to do this.  Our first year we had 35 students; last year we had 80 students and this year we had 167 students.

$100+1: Bethlehem Lutheran donates to ECHO Ministries in November 2014

Randi Walker of ECHO Ministries receives the $101 check from George Bauer. E.C.H.O. (Every Church Helping Others) Ministries, is made up of individuals from local congregations with the mission of showing mercy to those in need. E.C.H.O. is an avenue for emotional and spiritual support.  This is accomplished through one-on -one listening and by networking with area churches, human service agencies and organizations.

Theisen's awards More for Your Community Grant to Extension 6 Outreach Benton Co

Theisen's announces More for Your Community Grant to Iowa State University Extension 6 Outreach-Benton County In its sixth year of helping Iowans, today, the Theisen's More for Your Community Grant program announced $203,588 in awards to 143 agencies serving children and their families. Through a corporate philanthropic partnership with the Community Foundation of Grcatcr Dubuque, a Theisen's More for Your Community grant of $1,500.

Local students Garwood and Salow studying abroad

Central College students from the area will study abroad this spring. Alyson Garwood of Dysart will study in Bangor, Wales. Dane Salow of Walker will study in Bangor, Wales. Central College is a residential liberal arts college dedicated to the education of 1,500 undergraduate students. Founded in 1853, the college is affiliated with the Reformed Church in America and NCAA Division III athletics.

Horizons offers variety of support programs for families with young children

Horizons Family Support Program for Benton County is located at 215 North K Avenue in Vinton.  This program is offered to all families in Benton County that have at least one child prenatal through age 5.  This program is an in-home visitation program that works with families on parenting strategies, securing needed resources in the community, assistance with budgeting, and nutrition.

Treasurer Fitzgerald Auctioning Off One-of-A-Kind Gifts in Cyber Monday Auction

State Treasurer Michael L. Fitzgerald's upcoming eBay auction just might have that unique gift for someone special on your holiday list. "If you are still looking for a unique gift after you have done your Black Friday shopping, check out our eBay auction starting on Cyber Monday," Fitzgerald encouraged. "Many items are one-of-a-kind or collectibles that were turned over in unclaimed safe deposit boxes.

Students and their Families beware of Financial Aid Scams

Iowa College Aid Cautions College-Bound Students about Financial Aid Scams e– As students and their families prepare to complete financial aid and scholarship forms for college, the Iowa College Student Aid Commission (Iowa College Aid) wants students to be aware that they never have to pay for help filing the FAFSA or for searching for and applying for scholarships.

Iowa veterans need lap robes at VA Hospital; local women invited to help

I am a volunteer at The VA Hospital in Iowa City. We hand out lap robes (quilts, afghans, fleece blankets) for veterans who are admitted to the VA Hospital for their treatments daily (Monday-Friday).  If anyone likes to sew quilts, crochet afghans, sew fleece blankets and would want to make some for our Veterans at The VA Hospital in Iowa City please fill free to do so.

Did you know this about the American Legion: Oratorical Contests

The American Legion Oratorical Contest is for high school students under the age of twenty at the time of the Departmental Contest. Contests are held at the Local, County, District, Area, Department and National levels of the American Legion. Each contest has two parts: Prepared Oration, the Contestant will present an eight to ten minute oratorical on some aspect of the United States Constitution, with emphasis on a citizen’s duties and obligations to our government.

North Eden Willing Workers name new officers, present awards

Written by Bailey Weeks The North Eden Willing Workers 4-H club met Sunday, November 2, in Vinton's St. Mary's Catholic Church at 5:30. At 5:00 p.m. Committee members and new officers met to discuss new business that would need to be shared with the club. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge. This was followed by Roll Call which was, “What is your middle name and the number of years you have been in 4-H.