MARCH 30,2016

The Vinton Garden Club member of National Garden Clubs., District II and Central Region met 1:00 pm at the home of Sharen Stueck. The program “Prairie Plantings” speaker, Ben Bonar, IRVM Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management” presented a very interesting program.

President Fran Stueck called the meeting to order at 2:25pm. Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and Conservation Pledge. Six members answered roll call with question of “Do you have any Noxious Weeds in your gardens?”

Secretary Joyce Bratten read the February meeting minutes. There were no corrections so minutes will stand approved.

Treasurer Sharen Stueck gave the treasurer's report.

There were no questions on Treasurer's Report so it will be filed for audit.


Decorah Garden Club invitation to District II meeting, Friday May 13, 2016 at Good Shepherd Church.


In memory of Cam Wood the club will donate a book to the library “Lilies: A Guide for Growers and Collectors” by Edward Austin McRae. Fran will take the book down and present it to the libraruy.

The club discussed plans for the Plant and Bake Sale which may be changed to April 29th instead of on May 17.

Fran talked to Molly Noren about adopting a family at Christmas time instead of giving mittens, hats,etc. She will find a family to buy for so they will have a Christmas. Luanna made a motion to go with the new plans and Michelle second the motion.

On Saturday February 27, six members Fran, Joyce, Anne, Sharen, Rosie and Luanna attended the Master Gardener Symposium in Independence, Iowa.


Club set the date to go clean off the flower beds, April 5, at 1:00pm/

Members needed to let Sharen know how many are going to Decorah May 13

Plans for flower show schedule will be meeting soon with Van Horne Floralia. Luanna is chairman this year. Fair is July 14-17.

Fran and club thank Sharen for being hostess and serving a delicious dessert.

Fran adjourned the meeting.


Joyce Bratten Secretary


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