
1 year after the Derecho

Central Lutheran School in Newhall after the Derecho Monday, August 10, 2020, started out with a storm warning. Not sure what to expect, everyone was keeping an eye out the window. Once again, just a little past the 10 year anniversary of the last derecho on July 11, 2010, Benton County got hit, again, by straight-line winds. In every emergency, our go-to is, "Call 911!" A story from last year captured what those at the end of those calls went through trying to get help to everyone in need.

Birker and Gray Graduate from Marine Bootcamp

PFC Madi Gray Only 8% of the Marine Corps is made up of active enlisted women. Of that 8%, two of Vinton-Shellsburg's graduates have enlisted and have recently graduated from the Marine Bootcamp Base in Parris Island, South Carolina.Madi Gray, daughter of Steve and Shelly Gray is one of those enlistees. Gray said that her experiences have been amazing so far. "I have met so many great people along the way that have taught me so many different things," she said.

Boomtown 2021: Back on Track, August 28

The Train Wreck created in a prior Boomtown show will be the highlight at this years event It's full steam ahead for Boomtown 2021 after plans for the 2020 event were derailed due to the global pandemic.Vinton Unlimited, in alliance with the Iowa Pyrotechnic Association (IPA), and presenting sponsor Farmers Savings Bank & Trust, will welcome thousands of visitors to Vinton on Saturday, August 28.After the train wreck we know as 2020, it seems fitting to get Back on Track with the most talked about feature of Boomtown: The Pyro Train Wreck.

The Eagle has landed...but not for long!

A few weeks ago we shared a story about an injured eagle that was captured on the Gary and Jill Marlow property north of Vinton. The Iowa State Conservation Officer for Benton County, a branch of the Department of Natural Resources, Pat Jorgensen assisted the bird was able to get the bird rehabilitated at RARE, an organization that helps with injured animals.

Mt. Auburn Celebrates 150th Year

The Emil H. Dutler Post 177 was part of Mt. Auburn's 150th Celebration Mt. Auburn celebrated its 150th Birthday with a city-wide celebration on Saturday. Kicking off the party was a parade that began at 10. The day was packed with events through the day and into the evening. The Fire Department served lunch, vendors and crafts were on display, and various exhibits were set up on main street for folks to enjoy. The day wrapped up with live music and a street dance.


THANK YOU! Thank you to our community for the overwhelming support of the Drive Thru this year. Thanks to all of our "regulars" for coming every single week. Thanks to all of the new faces we saw each week. Thanks to all of you, we were able to raise over $6500 to be used to purchase fun life enhancements for our residents and tenants.Stay tuned for information about our Drive Thru Ice Cream Social coming up on August 19th.

LSI receives $5,000 from BCCF to support early childhood education

Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) was recently awarded $5,000 from the Benton County Community Foundation to support Healthy Families America programming in Benton County. LSI Early Childhood Services are an affiliate of Healthy Families America (HFA), the nationally-recognized, evidence-based home visiting program of Prevent Child Abuse America.HFA focuses on building nurturing, safe, and secure relationships between parents and children to maximize opportunities for all children - and parents - to reach their full potential.

It's the Sweetest time of the year

Brady Smith enjoys and ear of corn from the Garrison Farmers Market Brady Smith is enjoying one of the many ears of corn that are available throughout the county during sweetcorn season. This ear was just one of the food treats enjoyed at the Garrison Farmers Market on Monday night. 


The Vinton Parks and Recreation Department welcomed a new staff member (although not new to many in town), Kristie Boyle as the departments first ever Recreation Coordinator. This new position was created through a restructuring of VPRD. Current Assistant Director Ryan Anderson will be moving over to a new role as Parks and Recreation Superintendent.

6 Things Parents Need to Know Before Helping with Education Loans

By JIM SCHIPPER Iowa Student Loan Board MemberMany traditional students who use private education loans need cosigners to qualify or to receive better rates. Parents are often the natural choice to cosign. Some parents also consider taking loans out in their own names to help fund their children's education. If you are thinking about either, we at ISL Education Lending encourage you to remember these six points.