A federal program that helps restore nature trails has provided $143,434 in funds for re-surfacing the entire Old Creamery Nature Trail, from Vinton to Garrison to Dysart.

"The grant will fund the re-surfacing of the entire 15 miles of the Old Creamery Nature Trail," says Conservation Board member Randy Scheel.

This re-surfacng will include preparing the trail base (grading and spraying vegetation), laying a 2" clean base rock for the wet areas of the trail and to raise it 2" to 4" in height, rip rap around the 9 bridges, laying down a weed barrier, surfacing the trail with lime chip 12 foot across the trail and 4" thick, and grading, rolling and watering the trail to ensure firmness.

"In other words, the trail will get a huge facelift," said Scheel. "As much as anything, this is so exciting for all three communities along the trail. The trail has been in pretty rough shape since the flooding of 2008. We have basically been able to patch together parts of the trail to keep it passable at times. But with the windstorm in July 2011 and flooding again in the spring of 2013, we have some areas of the trail that are wore down to the original bed and difficult to cross on a bike. This grant will really help put the Old Creamery Nature Trail back on the map." The Conservation Board has set a fund-raising goal of $20,000 to go towards the 20% match that is required as part of this grant. "The total grant is $179,293; the Recreational Trails Program will fund $143,434, and our match is $35,859," Scheel explains. See the Old Creamery Trail page on the Iowa Trails web site HERE. Below is the press release concerning Iowa projects: Iowa Transportation Commission approves federal Recreational Trails Program funding AMES, Iowa – Jan. 14, 2014 – Today, the Iowa Transportation Commission approved $1,643,139 in total funding for seven federal Recreational Trails Program projects. The program projects must be for the purpose of developing and maintaining recreation trails and trail-related facilities for both motorized and nonmotorized trail users. The projects and approved funding amounts are listed below.
  • Clear Creek Trail – Phase 7 (Coralville): $493,305
  • Flint River Trail – Phase 1A: Flint Bottom Road to Irish Ridge Road (Des Moines County): $423,000
  • Gypsum City Off-Highway Vehicle Park (Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Webster County Improvement Corporation): $300,000
  • Old Creamery Nature Trail (Benton County Conservation Board): $143,434
  • Sibley Recreational Trail (Osceola Recreational Trails Association and Sibley): $25,000
  • Snowmobile Grooming Equipment Purchase (Iowa DNR and Iowa State Snowmobile Association): $240,000
  • Support for Program and Bicycle/Trails Summits (Iowa Department of Transportation): $18,400
The federal program was created in 1991 and program funding is available to cities, counties, state and federal agencies, and private organizations through an annual application-based program.


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sf January 28, 2014, 6:54 pm Can u asphalt it?
JZ January 28, 2014, 7:54 pm thanks!!
RS January 29, 2014, 12:30 am Hi Shawn! Good question! To pave or asphalt the trail would be a considerable amount more. But more than that, the goal of County Conservation, the Conservation Board, and many users is to keep the trail as natural as possible, When done properly, the crushed limestone will pack down firmly, similar to other busy trails across the state like the Cedar Valley Nature Trail in rural areas.
NH January 29, 2014, 7:39 pm Will this project be completed in 2014?
KS January 30, 2014, 11:42 am Love this trail and I am so glad it is getting improvements! Thank you!
Now, can Vinton please, please, please work on getting a paved trail as well?!? I am so tired of riding 218 and 150 and having vehicles race past me at 55+ mph and only 4\" from me and my bike. There are also drivers that purposely swerve toward you (yes, it happens to me all the time whether biking or running), honk at you, flash their lights, yell at you and pull over, get out of their cars and tell you to get off the road.
Last summer on the road to Garrison a dog came out of a yard, startled and scared a group of us and tried to bite our legs while barking and snarling. We were on the other side of the road and had done nothing to provoke it, we didn\'t even know it was there until it came charging at us.
With no shoulders on any of the highways around Vinton, it is hard for all of us that bike (on road bikes) or run to get a workout or training in without being scared for our lives.
There are a lot of us in Vinton and the surrounding communities that would help with steps to bring a paved trail our way!
RS January 31, 2014, 12:02 pm Nancy - the grant funds will be available October 1st but we anticipate the work to start as early as this spring to start prepping areas of the trail. Mother Nature will have the ultimate say on this, but we hope to have a majority of the work on this completed in 2014 if everything falls into place.
RS February 13, 2014, 12:49 pm I wanted to post an update on this project since I have more information. We plan on starting some work in 2014 in terms of prepping the wet areas of the trail and trying to trim back the trees and brush along the edges. A majority of the actual trail surface work will start in Spring 2015 and it is our goal to have the project complete by November 2015 at the latest. I apologize for the inaccuracy of my comments made before.