More than 90 pounds of unused prescription drugs have been placed in the drop box at the Benton County Sheriff's Office.

The box, funded by the Benton County Above the Influence Coalition. With security features that prevent anyone from removing items from it, the box is located between the two entry doors of the sheriff's office. The outside door is open 24/7; the inside door is locked after business hours. There is also a security camera to monitor the area. is accessible 24 hours a day in the lobby of the main entrance to the Sheriff's Office.

While the program has been a success, officers remind residents that the box is not for the disposal of syringes. Confusion about this has led to a couple of syringes being placed in the box recently.

Any prescription medicine, with the exception of syringes, can be placed there.


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MG March 9, 2015, 1:56 pm So where do we take sharps?