The Vinton Kiwanis members gathered at the Vinton Skate Center for their 55th annual pancake breakfast.

The event also celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the international Kiwanis Club.

"There were over 700 people who enjoyed the pancake breakfast Saturday," said member Dave Gates, who shared history of the organization throughout the event. Several scrapbooks of memories from the club's history were on display. The longest-serving local member, Bob LaGrange, attended the event with his wife, Jane. The winners of the drawing for the Vinton Dollars are: $25.00 to Kolton Sellers, Abby Davis, Chris Nydle and Ranae Puls; $100 to Robin Martin Many tattoos were left on the smiling faces (or arms) of young children, by members of the Viking Voyagers dance team. Local Scouts helped serve and clear tables. See more photos HERE.


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