AmeriCorps is a community, the new Maple Unit volunteers learned on Thursday morning.

It's a community based on location, because the members live at the Iowa Braille and Sight-Saving School in Vinton. But also, it's a community of ideas and ideals, as the volunteers have come from all over the U.S. to learn how to help others.

One of the first lessons for the new volunteers was the history of their home.

Don Boddicker of the IBSSS staff briefly summarized the history of the school for the blind. Then he told the new volunteers how glad that he, along with the entire Vinton community, is glad they are here.

"AmeriCorps members bring a lot of life to this campus," he said.

The new volunteers began their training on Thursday. Campus Director Dan Milnes, Deputy Director Rob Levis, Program Director Jody Burns and other leaders introduced themselves to the new volunteers. The new team leaders were also introduced. Many of those staff members even added a personalized dance or two as they told the volunteers their names and what they do for AmeriCorps.

While the crew leaders all know which team number they have been assigned, the volunteers have not yet been assigned to teams.


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