SHELLSBURG: Robert H. Deklotz, age 92, of Chandler Arizona, formerly of Shellsburg, died Thursday, March 19, 2015 at Hospice of the Valley-Dobson House in Chandler, Arizona.

Funeral services are pending at Phillips Funeral Home in Vinton.

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CG April 1, 2015, 10:38 am Deepest Sympayjies Denny, Nancy and All.
He was the reason I started playing the Trumpet in the 4th grade fron hearing him in the family band. I also got to play with him at church in a trio.
I also remember hiring out to help with hay with Denny and I sharing time driving the Bale Loader and Bob and my brother loading behind.
Again deepest sympathies to all.
Craig & Pat Gardemann, Bullhead City, Az.