
The Paper Clip

I was taking a nap today and I had a dream, it was a strange one; the kind where you are totally aware of what’s going on around you and you are also very much asleep and dreaming at the same time.  The dream had been about my pocket calendar and the paperclip I use to hold the previous months together.  These two objects are very different objects but each object is useful and important in their own right.

Rants from an egg snob

It's official. I have become and egg snob, I know, I know with all the ribbing from my dear husband about the cost of the eggs our dear hens lay... As a gal that grew up in town, and never having more pets than one dog at a time and one or two cats at a time, the idea of raising a flock of chickens, seemed well, a bit challenging.

A Monday and a color to remember forever

For those of you wearing blue to school today, can I make a suggestion? Whatever you wear today, when it comes out of the laundry tomorrow, put it away. Place it in the box or drawer where you keep your special treasures and favorite memories. Let that item – and your memories of Emma – become part of your story. I’ve got a blue item – two of them actually – as a tribute to the first funeral I went to for a friend who died too young.

City boy vs. chickens, part 2

Ever since I first set foot on the sandy hill on my grandfather’s farm that became the site of our new home in 2004, there has been a constant battle that plays out in countless ways on an almost-daily basis. I love the farm, but I hate farming.  I have great respect for my friends with tractors; I admire what they do, how well they do it and how much they have to teach us.

'Can God Use Me?'

Bummed out because you’d like to be greater used of the Lord? Perhaps we can find encouragement in a short promise the LORD gave to the parents of Samson- that crazy, immoral, irresponsible Israeli judge in the Old Testament who was given mighty strength at various times in his short, troubled life. Here’s the message Samson received about his own usefulness- even before he was born: “…he will be dedicated to God as a Nazirite from birth.

Awww...that's so sweet!

So many time when I work behind the scenes on Vinton Today, I often wonder if we're "doing it right". Are we REALLY "talking" to people, and do they "really" care about what we are telling them? I know, there's this really awesome counter on the site that tells us how many millions of clicks we've had, but honestly, without your feedback, we're just, hmmm can't say "clacking away at our keyboards", (because that wouldn't make sense to our younger readers) typing away and hoping that we hit something that is interesting to you.

Dissing English, from a dis-tance

When you stop to think about the English language, you have to come to the conclusion that whoever it was that decided what words are words and what words are not was an entirely dislogical person. Wait a minute, you may say, “dislogical” is not a word. Well, maybe it isn’t. But look at how the dictionary defines “dis” and then consider some other words that begin with “dis” and you will find yourself dissing the dislogical nature of how the dictionary disses words.

Over 14,000 FREE Stories, best deal around!

March 11, 2010 began like any other day for some, but for us, it was a day of excitement.                 That morning, we sent out our very FIRST  email  announcing  that we were back. We  had loaded stories on this website and held our breath just HOPING someone would  be out   there to read it.

How to Get Breaking (Bad or Good) News Quickly

When there is important news in Vinton, we keep you in touch with the neighbors and the officials in town. The first time we realized how important Vinton Today was, was when we were just starting our second year. Remember the windstorm that leveled most of the trees in town? We really thought that no one would be reading the website, and boy, were we ever wrong! We set our record for the number of hits to the site in a day, week, month.

19th Century words of wit and wisdom for Valentine's Day

Well, it’s about that time of the year again – that time when men who can normally talk incessantly about just about anything without pausing to find the right words to say, suddenly find themselves speechless. So to help those men like me begin to think of some inspiring words for your woman at Valentine’s Day, I want to share today my favorite Valentine’s Day poem.