
The rule of law vs. the law of ever-increasing rules

The rules were broken at the University of Alabama from 2005 to 2007. Nobody disputes that. In fact, the University of Alabama reported the violations itself, to the NCAA, after school officials discovered what had happened. And what happened was this: Members of the football team whose scholarships included an account at the school book store violated NCAA rules when they used their bookstore accounts to buy books for athletes who did not have scholarships to pay for books.

Pettengill explains amendment on IBSSS future as a 'school'

  In the Statehouse Iowa House Dist. 39 Rep. Dawn Pettengill March 28, 2010   On a Saturday evening, after two caucuses I'm sitting in the House Chamber and waiting for the Appropriations Committee to move out the Infrastructure and Standings Budget bills for debate.  True to our word, we are trying to end our business 20 days ahead of time to save money.

A day that bring both sad good-byes and exciting new changes

   “A good player plays where the puck is. A great player plays were the puck is going to be.” I am not a hockey fan, but I understand completely what “The Great One,” Wayne Gretzky meant, when he made that statement. I started in my career journalism full time on Sept. 21, 1992, a week before my 27th birthday. I figured then that newspapers as we knew them would last 10 years or so.

A Word From Former Board of Education Members

As former members of the Vinton, Shellsburg, or Vinton-Shellsburg Boards of Education, we wish to voice our support for the current board members and administrators facing unprecedented budget cuts. Unlike the Federal Government that can and does run at a deficit, school districts are required by law to balance their budgets. During times of falling public revenues, districts face extremely difficult choices.

Glad he's still around...

"I love Vinton Today! I'm glad we didn't lose you Dean!" M.R.-Vinton

Thanks to School Board members for volunteering to do job others do not want

By Jeff Holmes It was somewhat of a sad commentary at last night’s Vinton-Shellsburg school board meeting that before the presentation on budget cuts, board president Pat Lyons found it necessary to remind the audience that any comments be constructive and positive. He reminded the 200 or so district patrons in attendance that the board members were elected and many ran unopposed.

School board avoided tough decisions on Shellsburg transportation, tax hikes

To the Editor, Many of the Vinton-Shellsburg School Board members at the 22 March meeting kept saying we have to make tough decisions yet they avoided the really tough decisions that could have saved the district several thousand dollars.  Fifty thousand dollars could be saved in transportation costs if the fifth grade class were to be split up and the Vinton fifth graders stay in Vinton and the Shellsburg fifth graders stay in Shellsburg.

Locally Owned a Must

Dear Dean and company: Congrats on the new venture!! How sad to lose another Vinton paper to outsiders. Just when the Eagle had really turned the corner and was truly a locally-owned and staffed paper dealing with only local news, the buyout was done. As someone who had previously worked for the Eagle's new owners' other local acquisition, I know what it is like to work for someone who has no idea what your paper is all about or your customers' needs and wants and only cares about the bottom line.

A Thumbs Up!

"I think what you guys are doing is great!!!!!! I hope you can keep it going. Good work & thank you for not selling out to the Times/Livewire!" SG, Vinton

Stations of the Cross

Among the Christian religions of the world, Lent is a time of atonement, personal reflection, religious growth and preparation for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For Catholics, this 40-day period is marked by a number of traditions. Perhaps the two most notable are the dispensing of ashes on Ash Wednesday (you see our dark smudge in the center of our foreheads) as a reminder to be humble and that we will all, in turn, return to dust – “ashes to ashes and dust to dust” and the “Stations of the Cross”.