Just about every commercial you see as a disclaimer on it, telling you that the visual effects you are observing are not real, and that you should not attempt what you see people doing on your screen.

"Please do not place powdered medicine in Old Faithful."

"This vehicle is not really moving under water, or skiing down hill."

I once even saw a commercial for a new computer, that appeared to be dancing. The disclaimer said "computer movements simulated."

Seriously? There are people who go to a computer store, bring it home, take it out of the box, plug it in and wait for it to dance? That would appear to be the message of those disclaimers.

It's annoying, insulting and offensive the way the excessive power of lawyers and the fear of lawsuits has afflicted our commercial industry.

That's why the new Nissan commercial for its truck is so inspiring. The commercial shows a truck speeding onto a runway to let a plane with malfunctioning landing gear land safely on its bed.

It's silly, of course, like most commercials that show vehicles doing something they would never really do.

But what is missing from this commercial is the disclaimer.

There is no message in white at the bottom of your screen that says: "Simulation. Do not attempt. Obey traffic laws governing runways. Do NOT try to catch speeding planes with your personal vehicle."

Nothing. Not a single disclaimer.

I challenge every other commercial creator to follow the lead of Nissan. Stop insulting Americans with disclaimers. Give us credit for being smart enough to know whether what we see or hear is real or not.

I would love to write more about this issue, but I have to run to the store. There's a new candy that promises happiness when I eat it.

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DC January 9, 2012, 9:09 am Maybe Americans are becoming smarter...............ha