
Clickstop Welcomes New Employees.

Brian Larkin Commerce company expands customer service and fulfillment departments.  URBANA  Clickstop is preparing for an anticipated ramp-up in sales of merchandise from many of the brands within its online portfolio. Two areas, Customer Service and Fulfillment, are critical to front-line operations, and the company is committed to expanding resources to better serve its customers.


Kirkwood partnership offers GED diploma classes plus welding skills training For qualified people in eastern Iowa, it is a deal too good to miss. Two deals, in fact. Ten individuals in eastern Iowa could soon be on the path to a catch-up on their education with in-demand skill training to boot. Kirkwood Community College is launching the Partnership of Academic and Career Education, providing a cohort of students the chance to earn two critical keys to success: a GED diploma and specific training in a skill set sought after by area employers.

Kirkwood Hosts College Fair, Sept. 21-22

For the first time, Kirkwood Community College will host a two-day college fair. Representatives from dozens of Midwest colleges will share information on their schools on the Kirkwood Cedar Rapids campus Sept. 21-22. In the past this event was held on a single morning, but Kirkwood Dean of Admissions Doug Bannon feels, “Offering a night session will give students and parents a special time to come out and get information on colleges.

TLC Preschool Kicks off another year

Trinity Lutheran Church started another year of preschool again yesterday! Be sure to contact them if you have any preschool needs!

Low cost spay/neuter clinic

Friends of the Shelter, Inc. is spreading the word about The Iowa Humane Alliance plans to build a low cost spay & neuter clinic in the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area.    The clinic will serve 41 Iowa counties within a 90 mile radius of the clinic location and will offer free transport services to and from the clinic for animals in remote areas.

Hawkeye Valley Area Agency on Aging

Hawkeye Valley Area Agency on Aging And LaPorte City Senior Center Present YOUR PLACE TO CONNECT Dedicating the entire month of September,2010 To connecting with seniors Each week a different theme Each day a different activity Informative speakers Board games, WII,music, bingo……. Just plain fun !!   Week one…….

Clickstop, Inc. Receives Prestigious Award from Inc. Magazine

The eCommerce company's first appearance on list is at number 1,122. Inc. Magazine has released its' annual list of the 5000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America. Five year-old Clickstop, Inc. emerges on the prestigious list as number 1,122, ranking in the top 25% of the companies being honored. "We're very pleased to be recognized with this award," said Clickstop CEO Tim Guenther.

Three Farm Service Agency employees celebrate 75 combined years

Patrice Smith, Calvin Rickels and Paula Frazier all celebrate their 25th year of working together Three Farm Service Agency employees recently celebrated 75 years of combined service to the agricultural producers of Benton County. Paula Frazier and Trice Smith Program Technicians and Calvin Rickels the County Executive Director all began their careers with the agency in 1985. Frazier and Smith began their employment as temporaries working with mapping and data loading computer systems.

4th Diner News

Serving Buffet from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM, Monday through Friday. A choice of salads is available on the buffet. Everyone is WELCOME! Suggested contribution for individuals 60 years old or older, and their spouse (regardless of age) is $2.75 for the meal. Individuals who are not yet 60 are WELCOME but need to pay $3.75 for their meal. Carryout meals are available.

Community colleges to welcome 20 instructors and administrators from Indonesia

FROM INDONESIA TO AMERICA: Community colleges to welcome 20 instructors and administrators for skill-building stint in U.S. Once more, educators from afar will call America home as they study new instruction methods with a side of U.S. cultural understanding. That is the goal of a new exchange program funded by the U.S. Department of State and coordinated by Community Colleges for International Development.