Events And Activities
Benton County Conservation: Hannen Lake Ice Fishing Tournament January 20
Registration for all events is required by visiting unless otherwise stated. Hannen Lake Ice Fishing TournamentJanuary 20th, 7AM-11AM; $10 for individuals 16+ & FREE for kids 15 & underHannen Lake Park - NEW Shop (1949 Benton Iowa Rd, Blairstown, IA 52209)Parking/Registration: 6:30AMAugering/Fishing: 7AMRaffles & Cash prize: 11AMGet your fishing gear ready for a frosty fishing frenzy at the Hannen Lake Park Ice Fishing Tournament! Arrival, parking and registration starts at 6:30am with parking available at designated marked areas.
Holiday Garage Sale
Friday, December 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, December 16 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. there will be a sale at 805 West 17th St. Vinton.A lot of new items, white elephant gifts, clothing, men’s winter coats, jewelry, household items, Christmas decorations and etc.Come and check us out…heated garage sale!
Vinton Public Library: A Christmas Carol Wednesdays through Christmas 7:00 p.m.
Each Wednesday evening from now through Christmas, Margie Ortgeisen will be reading, "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dicken at the Vinton Public Library. The readings will be from 7-8:00 p.m.
Santa will stop at Story Hour on Thursday, December 7th 5:00 p.m.
Santa Claus will be taking a break from the workshop long enough to visit with children at the Vinton Public Library. He will make his stop on Thursday, December 7. Join us at the Vinton Public Library for Storytime with Santa! 5 pm activities: Cookie decorating DIY necklace Coloring sheets *while supplies last* 5:30 pm: Storytime with Santa
Urbana Christian Church Live Nativity December 16
In Iowa it has become cliche to say “If you build it they will come”, but that is exactly what the Urbana Christian Church is hoping will occur on December 16. On the 16th the Church will be hosting a live nativity at their location at 108 E Jefferson Ave in Urbana.“We as a church are continually looking for a way to engage with the community,” Pam Gibbs the minister replied.
Farmers Savings Bank & Trust Holiday Open House Friday, December 1st 8:30-5:00pm
Farmers Savings Bank & Trust will be holding its Annual Holiday Open House, Friday December 1st starting at 8:30 am until closing at 5:00 pm. We are proud to continue this holiday tradition of giving away Vinton Value Dollars to lucky winners as well as offering our guests the opportunity to sign up for a $3 donation to the local church of their choice.
It's time to "Deck the Halls" for the 5th Annual Contest
Get into the holiday spirit! Compete for citywide bragging rights as the Vinton Parks and Recreation Department is conducting its 5th Annual "Deck the House" contest. Register your home or business now! Eligible houses and businesses must be within City limits.An address form and map with all registered addresses will be posted at, Vinton Parks and Recreation Department Facebook page, and at the Vinton Rec Center on Friday, December 8.
Community Book Club: The Silent Stars Go By, Saturday, December 9th
The Young Adult Christmas Historical Fiction Novel, "The Silent Starts Go By" will be the Community Book Club selection. The meeting will be on Saturday, December 9th at 9:15 a.m. at the Vinton Public Library. Join us as we discuss the book!
Breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 9
Vinton Parks and Rec has coordinated with the North Pole and has arranged a visit with Santa. Bring the kids to the Skate Center in Vinton on Saturday morning December 9th at 9:00 a.m. Santa will arrive at 10:00 a.m. so that the children can talk with him while mom and dad grab a photo. The kids will also receive a present. Tickets are $5 per person.
Vinton Public Library to host a Gift Wrapping Party Tuesday. December 5
Do you need a place to wrap gifts out of sight of the kids or the spouse? Bring your gifts to the Vinton Public Library on Tuesday, December 5th from 6-8:00 p.m.Materials will be provided to wrap your gifts!