
Benton County Community Foundation Distributes $107,095 to Local Organizations

The Benton County Community Foundation announced $107,095 in grant funding to 22 projects of organizations serving Benton County as part of its 2020 grant cycle. The Community Foundation made the decision to not hold its annual award celebration due to COVID-19. Grant checks will be mailed directly to the nonprofit organizations. Grant recipient organization, project the grant will fund, and grant amount are listed below by funding areas.

Area woman celebrates her 50th Birthday by Shaving her Head

Cyndi Stueck with the gift she is giving away for her birthday A few weeks ago, I received an email that said, "I am turning 50 on June 15th and have decided to shave my head and donate my hair to someone in need. I was wondering if this would be something you would be interested in covering? I’m doing it In honor of my late grandmother who passed away of cancer," she explained, "it was one of the hardest things for her to accept, losing her hair," said Cindi Stueck.

Vinton Shellsburg Graduation Plan Announcement

Details for this year's graduation ceremony honoring our Class of 2020 grads are available on our website. Though plans include a limited attendance by ticket only, we look forward to a great day of celebrating our seniors and their accomplishments on Sunday, June 21. Follow this link for complete details:

Top 5 Candidates named for Prom 2020

The Vinton-Shellsburg Prom Committee is pleased to announce the top 5 candidates for Prom 2020 King and Queen.The top 5 girls are Franki Evans, Lillie Lamont, Alyssa Reynolds, Chelsee Tharp and Amanda Cardenas.The top 5 boys are Sam Moen, Anthony Hilton, Zach Kramer, Cameron Karr and Broc Shaw.The VS Juniors and Seniors will have one final vote this week via google forms to determine the 2020 Prom King and Queen.

June 17 Declared Alzheimer's Day in Vinton/Plans for L.O.S.T. Program

At last week’s council meeting, the mayor made the proclamation of June 17 as Alzheimer's Day. As part of the day people are encouraged to wear and display the color purple in recognition of the day. Mayor Bud Maynard also took a minute to recognize the people that have been affected by the disease and encouraged everyone to participate in the one day event.

AmeriCorps Iowa Members Respond during COVID-19 Crisis

Volunteer Iowa, and the AmeriCorps Iowa programs it oversees, has been deeply engaged in the COVID-19 response effort since Iowa had its first positive cases in March. With over 38% of Iowa volunteers being 55+ and the most common volunteer area for older volunteers being food collection and distribution, we focused our response on filling gaps left in those areas experiencing increased need.

National Garden Week Recognized

Last week June 7-13, 2020 was proclaimed National Garden week by National Garden Clubs, Inc. This is a special week in which garden clubs are in the spotlight with activities focusing on public attention of the role which garden club members play in all phases of gardening. The Vinton Garden Club, one of the first charter members of the National Garden Clubs Inc.

Mayor Thanks Area Police Officers for their Service

Chief Paxton, As I watch the events surrounding the death of Mr. Floyd go from peaceful to violent and now into an all-out attack on Law Enforcement everywhere, I feel you need to know that as Mayor I thank you and the entire department for your dedication. I know it’s extremely difficult to be in Law Enforcement with the current state of affairs, yet the entire Vinton Police Department has shown great fortitude and resolve throughout these times.

Reopening and operating behind plexiglass

When the Benton County Courthouse reopens, there will be a new look on the counters of the offices. As part of the COVID-19 response, in an effort to protect county workers, new stands containing plexiglass have been added to the areas where the public stands to do business. The dividers will allow the public to once again conduct business but put a barrier between the public and the worker in an effort to reduce any spread of the virus.

Reminder to drain water from the basement into the yard, not the street

Every time we get a lot of rain a friendly reminder is probably needed to NOT drain sump pumps back into the sewer. Run the drainage hose as far away from your house. If it's possible a place as far away from the neighbor's house too.When it rains as it has been, the sewers are already struggling to handle the water in the system already. So don’t drain water you are pumping.