
Holsten Celebrates retirement after 35 Years

Today was Virginia Holsten's open house to celebrate her service as Vinton's Librarian.  For the past 35 years she's done something that I hadn't see in all of my growing up years, she made it fun to go to the library. I remember the first time I brought all 6 of my kids to the library. I know the trip began with something like this. "Is everyone buckled in? Okay now listen.

Brush Dump temporarily Closed

Due to rising waters of the Cedar River,  the brush dump north of town is going to be temporarily closed.

Shellsburg Library News

Well we’ve finally reopened on June 1st. After a long spring. It’s good to be back to a “normal “state. We have some pretty strict guidelines in place at this time. We are planning to reduce some of the details on July 1st if everything goes well. Stop in to check out the new books & movies.Curbside pickup is available, call in and items can be picked up on Monday and Wednesday mornings.

Vinton Shellsburg Graduates receive Congratulatory Messages

Congratulations, Class of 2020! We are so happy to share in the excitement of your graduation day, and so very proud of each of you, too! Please join us in celebrating this day by posting your own comment and well wishes here! For congratulatory messages from our senior class advisor staff and a directory of photos of the graduates, please follow this link: bit.

Vinton-Shellsburg Class of 2020 Graduation, not without a change of plans

A congratulatory elbow bump was customary at the 2020 graduation ceremony this year -NewsitorialI should have known, I mean it WAS obvious. Plans for an outdoor graduation ceremony would, of COURSE, be rained out this year. A couple of hours before the ceremony was supposed to begin thunder began followed by rain. I thought, "This class just cannot catch a break!"Arriving an hour early, I panicked as I saw the almost full parking lot.

We had to ask: Mr. Kyle Reeve, Tilford's New Principal, Important Questions

Typically, when you have a new, well anyone, move to town, and they are going to be working with your children, you want to ask them the hard-hitting questions. Probably the people we will be asking the following questions to have already answered those. But we wanted to know the other things, you know, the REALLY important information!We asked Mr. Reeve, the questions you are all dying to know the answers to the question, "Chocolate or vanilla? What kind of candy do you like? If you NEVER had to eat one food again, what would it be?" You know things that keep you up at night tossing and turning.

Zach Kramer and Alyssa Reynolds Crowned Prom King and Queen

Prom night began with the crowning of Prom King Zach Kramer and Queen Alyssa Reynolds Vinton-Shellsburg’s Prom King Zach Kramer and Queen Alyssa Reynolds were crowned for the 2020 Senior Class. There was a three way tie for the runner ups in the running for the King with Sam Moen, Cameron Karr and Anthony Hilton who did not attend. The runner up for Queen was Franki Evans, Congratulations!Eli Powers had the honor of announcing the winners on Friday evening just before the Prom events began.

Quarantined 20s Drive Thru Prom to be held Friday Night

Friday Night will find V-S Junior and Seniors Cruising the town for Prom Night Friday night is the Drive Thru Prom Night! Beginning at 5:00 and running until 7:00 p.m. Vinton-Shellsburg Juniors and Seniors will be touring the town and enjoying an evening of fun courtesy of several businesses in Vinton. Parents feel free to sit along the route and wave!Students: The stops are marked, but if a station is busy, just keep on cruising and come back on another "lap.

New location for John Gualtier Day Recognition: Vinton Skate Center

June 20 has been declared as John Gualtier Day in Vinton, honoring one of Vinton's Best Mayor Bud Maynard signed a declaration at Thursday night's City Council Meeting which read:"WHEREAS, Vinton resident John Gualtier was a combat medic, serving in World War II 75 years ago, and WHEREAS, Gualtier was injured in the line of duty, was treated and continued to tend to others more seriously wounded, and WHEREAS, Gualtier helped to liberate prisoners from Gunskirchen Concentration Camp, and WHEREAS, Gualtier also served in the Korean War, andWHEREAS, Gualtier has volunteered many hours at the Veteran's Administration, and WHEREAS John Gualtier has finally been awarded a Purple Heart.

AmeriCorps NCCC Helping with Food Insecurity in Iowa

NCCC members Abby and Elijah are dividing good food from bad at the food bank. By: Angela Sarrels Two AmeriCorps NCCC teams are partnering with the State of Iowa, Volunteer Iowa, and Northeast Iowa Food Bank to address food insecurity in Iowa resulting from the impact of COVID-19. The Northeast Iowa Food Bank is in the process of receiving bulk amounts of donated and purchased food from suppliers. These items are then being transported to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank location, processed, and delivered to six Food Banks throughout Iowa for distribution to families in need.