
Finkenauer Announces Federal Grant for the V-S Community School District

Congresswoman Abby Finkenauer (IA-01) announced that the Vinton-Shellsburg Community School District will receive a $99,929 grant as a part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm to School Planning Grant Program.The grant will be used to expand Vinton-Shellsburg’s successful farm to school program across the region, including to the Union and Waverly-Shell Rock school districts.

Caring for those in need

Katelyn Folkmann the 2020 Benton County, Iowa Miss United States Agriculture Caring for those in nee Katelyn Folkmann, the 2020 Benton County Iowa Miss United States Agriculture has had a lot of events cancelled due to COVID-19. However, she found a different way to help the community. She started a clothing, food and book drive in the middle of June and has almost collected 10,000 items of clothing, nearly 1,000 books and almost 300 items of food.

I had to ask: Mary Jo Hainstock

Retirement, day one finds the Hainstocks hiking!On February 18, 2009, Mary Jo Hainstock was offered the position of Vinton Shellsburg's Superintendent. At the time, she was interviewed at the time for the position by over 50 people. The interviews included questions by teachers, administrators, parents, students, bus drivers, and community leaders. She said at the time that she was more interested in the position following the interview than she had been going in.

Jorgensen One of Four Honorees to Iowa Women's Hall of Fame

Announcing the 2020 Iowa Women's Hall of Fame Inductees and Cristine Wilson Medal for Equality and Justice Recipient In-person ceremony postponed The Iowa Commission on the Status of Women (ICSW) is pleased to announce the 2020 Iowa Women’s Hall of Fame inductees. Four remarkable women will be inducted into the Iowa Women's Hall of Fame and one individual will receive the Cristine Wilson Medal for Equality and Justice.

Vinton Shellsburg Meal Schedule for July 4th Weekend

The Vinton Shellsburg Community School District Summer Meal Program will NOT be distributing meals on Friday, July 3rd, or on Monday, July 6th.However, the regular schedule will resume on Tuesday, July 7th.

New Century FS building catches fire Saturday Afternoon

FS Century fire on Saturday, on the left at the start of the fire, on the right the result The New Century FS caught fire on Saturday afternoon. Vinton Fire Department responded as well as Garrison, Cedar-Mt. Auburn, Urbana, and Shellsburg Fire Departments.North Benton EMS, Benton County Sheriff's department and the Vinton Police Department were also on scene assisting.Vinton's ladder truck came in useful in combatting the fire with the ability to rise above the roof level.

Louise Gilchrist Charitable Trust gifts $50,000 to VGH Health Care Foundation

Michele Schoonover holds check & letter to VGHHCF from the Louise Gilchrist Charitable Trust Definition of Grateful: “warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received.” Virginia Gay Hospital, Clinics, Home Health, Nursing and Rehab has tremendous reasons to be “Grateful”. We are grateful for our community and the outpouring of support in PPE, construction of masks, donated materials and the care and concern for each other.

A Lifetime Journey Finally Recognized

John Gualtier, receiving his well deserved Purple Heart, albeit 75 years late On June 20, 2020, John Gualtier was escorted by two other Purple Heart recipients Dave Goodell and Michael Reid to the front of a room of more than 100 friends and family. The event was to honor him, 75 years late, with his own Purple Heart.A ceremony filled with the usual patriotic events, pledge of allegiance, Star-Spangled Banner, and recognition from many who have crossed John's path, the event was emceed by Dale and Jeanette Henry.

Vinton-Shellsburg Retirees ending career a bit differently

The Vinton-Shellsburg Retirees usually get to the year, well, like the graduates usually did, together with their peers and friends. Usually, there is a little celebration together. This year plans to celebrate the retirees have been put on hold. The school put together a short video to recognize and honor the retirees. Included in the short video are the following staff members: Mark Dulin, Deb Garbers, Mary Jo Hainstock, Susan Kakac, Rose Kern, Deb Schirm and Gilbert Ziemer.

Benton County Sheriff's Office Remind Residents of Fireworks Laws

With the upcoming July 4th holiday, we would like to remind Benton County residents of the Iowa fireworks law.The hours of use are 9 am to 10 pm from June 1 through July 8. On July 4th and 5th of this year, hours are extended until 11 pm.Residents can only use consumer fireworks on their own private property, or on the property of another person with that person's permission.