There’s no hiding it: Iowa Democrats lost big with caucus decision
By Dave Nagle, Iowa Capital DispatchIowa Democratic Party leaders returned last week from St. Louis where the fate of the Iowa Caucuses’ first-in-the-nation status was determined. Iowa Democratic Party chair Rita Hart and others proclaimed a great victory in that Iowa will no longer host a competitive presidential contest to lead off the nominating season.
EMS As Essential
By Anna Demuth, Benton Co EMS Association PresidentOnly a legislature can make 68 cents 35 cents.When you see the EMS levy on the November ballot, remember that thanks to the wizardry of property tax formulas, 68 cents per thousand in assessed valuation could become just 35 cents. Here’s how it works. • Start with the assessed valuation for your residence• Multiply that by .
A Labor of Love
There are jobs that have to be done, but you never really even think about how they get done. One of those is engravings on headstones. I might be one of those weird ducks that appreciate a well-carved headstone, or even a well-carved rock. Sometimes I drive through the cemetery just as a way of checking on the relatives to make sure they are all behaving (some of them are rowdy).
Letter to the Editor: Legal Fairness
Dear Editor: Donald Trump is now in court charged with among other things, defrauding banks and insurance companies by over-valuing his assets (properties).I ask the question: As a farmer, I required operating capital from my agriculture Bank loan officer. I had to value my assets as well as my liabilities. I had equity, but not fully owned the farmland I now have.
Memories are the worst part of the wait
This last week had a little extra going on in my world. I'm slowly learning how to compartmentalize...a little bit. I've finally learned how to shut off work when it's done for the week...for the most part. I've learned how to realize that when I need to step away during the week, to just do it. I've learned how to take time for a little bit of "fun" though my idea of fun would be boring to most.
Letter to the Editor: The war Ukraine vs. Russia
Dear Editor:I have no way of verifying this article, but we need to see this anyway. We can not count on the MSM to assess this war as it is. nor can we count on the Biden Administration to spend our taxpayer money wisely. We already have a $33T national debt. How can we sustain more?Thus:Seymour Hersh Claims Ukraine ‘War Effort’ Is ‘All Lies’: ‘The War Is Over – Russia Has Won’By Frank Bergman Renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has claimed that the U.
Are the debates worth listening to? It's debatable.
I am a political junkie. If there's something going on politically, I'm there for it. Until Wednesday night's "presidential" debate. When I think of the word presidential, I think of something with class. (I am pausing right here to let all the smart remarks pass through without saying them.)The debate was so awful that I shut it off for a while. Mostly because it sounded like all the kids were arguing and I couldn't send them to their rooms.
Letter to the Editor: Rebuttal
Editor:I have to call out Rosemary. I did not write that the money received by Illegals was from Social Security. They got the money from somewhere probably from welfare funds.. The deal is the leftist Marxist of the Democrat Party loosening the requirements of welfare to give our taxpayer dollars to those who invaded our Nation; these funds should only go to our citizens who need a hand up.
Letter to the Editor: A rebuttal
Dear Editor:Why are you critics so obsessed with defending the indefensible? The border is open in defiance of Federal Immigration Law. These illegals are getting money from somewhere. The video I was referring to was a Tucker Carlson segment found on TicTock. Perhaps if you look there you will find it. I am not surprised that you defenders could not find any information to substantiate my opinion piece.
Letter to the Editor: Caregiver Wellness Day
Dear Editor, Support local caregivers! National Family Caregivers Month in November honors family and friends who take care of an aging loved one. Caregiver Wellness Day on November 6 in Cedar Rapids will treat caregivers to a day all about themselves at no charge thanks to local sponsors. Call Heritage Area Agency on Aging at 319-398-5559 to register by October 30th.