
Thanks to all who Ran/Walked the Party in Pink Race

I don't know whether to say "most" or "a lot" of families in Vinton have a special place in their hearts for the Party in Pink Race. It's been held each year for the last 10 years, because of some women who have been there in the battle against breast cancer. Most/a lot of us have had family members who have fought the battle with breast cancer, many winning it, some losing it.

Letter to the editor: New firearms restrictions

Editor: We now have some new restrictions on firearms pending in Congress.  But what are the numbers killed by gunfire in our major cities (short guns, i.e. pistols not long guns) hundreds on any weekend?  By who – gangs – drug runners, others?  Where did they get their weapons?  I went through the protocol – filled out the proper paperwork and was allowed to legally purchase the firearm of my choice.

Letter to the Editor: Laying Siege to the Institutions

Dear Editor,Re:  paraphrased from Laying Siege to the Institutions, Christopher F. Rufo,   April/May, 2022 issue of Imprimis a publication of Hillsdale College.He writes:  I say we need to lay siege to our institutions; because of what has happened to our institutions since the 1960’s.  (Many readers are too young to have experienced the violence of that time or the extremist organizations like, the Black Panthers, the Weather Underground, or the Black Liberation Army.

Letter to the Editor: Have some gone too far?

Editor:Threats made to Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch like this one, “ I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanagh; you have reaped the whirlwind,  you will not know what hit you, if you carry through with these awful decisions”  Sounds like a threat – a bodily threat, and assassination threat?  But what decisions?  A disturbed person traveling from California made an attempt to invade Justice Kavanagh's home –WHERE HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN LIVE.

Letter to the Editor: Do you have the right to live? Or a duty to die??

 Honest question.  Do you have the right to live?  If an evil and violent person picks you as their next victim – do you have the right to live?  Or is it your duty to our society to simply open your arms and allow yourself to be beaten, stabbed, choked or shot to death?  Do you have a duty to surrender – with the responsibility for your defense fully ensconced in whoever answers your 911 call? The response to my frustrated post on the Texas school killings has been illustrative.

Letter to the Editor: "Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs"

Editor:I received this article years ago, but it is more relevant now than when I received it shortly after 9/11.  Evil seems to be more prevalent now than decades ago; I have no answer why.  But with the latest shooting in Texas and now Two in Ames, Iowa, I must re-submit the following. as an adder - to those who carry arms. I submit the following prayer: Heavenly Father I do not wish to draw my weapon in my defense or others, but if I do may my aim be true - Amen  We need men/women of courage to defeat evil!  Blessings,John StiegelmeyerThus: "ON SHEEP, WOLVES AND SHEEPDOGS"UNCLASSIFIEDON SHEEP, WOLVES AND SHEEPDOGS By LTC(RET) Dave Grossman, RANGER, Ph.

Letter to the Editor: Roe VS. Wade overturned?

Dear Editor: It is indeed ironic that tears are shed and hearts are broken when elementary children are shot dead along with two teachers, but riots and protests occur when the SCOTUS may overturn a 1973 decision on abortion.  Why?  Is not one life “born” and another “unborn”  more sacred than the other?  The “unborn” and the “born” both need our protection from harm.

Letter to Editor: I'm exhausted by the call to "Do Something"

Dear Editor, Three primary things have filtered out since Columbine to this week:1: Secure the building! This is everyone's responsibility at the school . . . and the door was left propped open and did not have the ability to lock. Nothing that DC will do can affect the negligence of the staff - period. 2: After Columbine, the nationwide policy of police departments was that in an active shooter event, the first officer on the scene makes entry - period.

Letter to the Editor: In support of Colman Silbernagel

We are supporting Colman Silbernagel for Iowa State Senate District 42. Colman and his wife grew up on dairy farms and he understands Agriculture. Colman served in the Afghanistan war and was awarded the Bronze Star. Colman served as the Benton County Republican County Chair and is familiar with all the issues facing voters in Iowa. Colman is an active and effective leader in his community and church.

Letter to the Editor: Transparency

To the editor, This is about transparency, which up-to-date public boards believe they believe in and many believe they are trying to achieve.The current Center Point-Urbana School Board is not achieving. I’ve been going to recent CPU Board meetings to support not cutting second grade down a section. This age group was among the kids whose learning was most disrupted by covid.
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