
Reading my mind: Civility

Ah, the Opinion Page. Where people can share an opinion. I have two thoughts about the Opinion Page. One is that it's fun to read the thoughts of others in the community. Sometimes they bring up something I had never thought about, and other times I might cock my head a bit and wonder where that thought came from. My second thought concerns "monitoring" the comments on said articles.

Letter to the Editor: Therapeutics, Inflation

Editor:The Trio does not seem to get it.  The vaccine is not an appropriate treatment if the unvaccinated come down with the virus.  Therapeutics are necessary to prevent their demise.  Pfizer.  I believe has a pill in testing that will do just that, but all we hear about is “take the jab”, well some people – for whatever reason can’t “take the jab”.

Reading my mind: Snowstorms

You know the drill if you live in Iowa. You flip on the TV where they are warning of an incoming snowstorm. Without fail, everyone runs to the grocery store because you just don't know when you'll see civilization again!Well, that or if you're like I used to be, a mom with 6 kids in the house, you really DO need the milk, bread, and eggs before the snow hits and you might not get to town for a couple of days.

Letter to the Editor: January 6

Dear Editor, I read with interest Representative Cindy Axne’s op-ed in the DM Register January 5th.  “To prevent the next Jan 6, we need the facts”.  I couldn’t agree more, but can we be certain that the conclusion of the Congressional Committee will be unbiased and factual, I have doubta.Where did she get the information written in the op-ed?  The information I have heard or read indicates only four people died on January 6.

Letter to the Editor: Vaccine mandate vs. SCOTUS

Dear Editor: Both Candidate Biden and Candidate Harris campaigned that if President Trump recommended the vaccine that J&J, Moderna, or Pfizer developed they would not take it – It’s Trump’s vaccine.  Now they as President and Vice President wish to mandate all people take the shots or be fired!  Now lawsuits against mandatory vaccination are being heard by the Supreme Court.

Letter to the Editor: Are you ready for answers yet?

Dear Editor.You thought you were doing everything you could to protect yourself, & your loved ones.How many of you are now having a hard time understanding why you or your loved ones, are now suffering from heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, neurological issues, blood clots, & a countless number of other problems? How many of you, or your loved ones, were perfectly healthy before you got this "vaccine", now only to be plagued with problems?The following link is a video, just one of many, that explains exactly what is happening to the health of those who got this EXPERIMENTAL "vaccine".

Wishing you the Merriest of Christmases

A bit of nostalgia from Kerstens Family Light display. As we are getting close to wrapping up another year, and gathering around the table with our families, it's usually a time of reflection. I hope that as the year wraps up that we can reflect on all of the good things that filled this year. The accomplishments in our families, the progress in school or work. Hey, the fact that we didn't die from COVID should be on our list.

Reading my mind: Hot Chocolate

A week ago, I ran errands around town in 50° weather. It was warm enough that I didn't need a sweater. It was unbelievably warm for a December day. Then Monday arrived. If you had to go out, you know that it was freezing outside at 20. Of course, all of my winter coats were in the car. After walking quickly to the car, I turned it on and took off. Figuring after being outside, the inside of the car, out of the wind didn't feel too terrible.

Letter to the Editor: Abortion

Dear Editor, Life begins at the point of conception.  No one can deny that after a human being is conceived it will develop into the very same being as thosedebating this issue.  What astounds me is that those who favor abortion went through an identical development stage as the being they are condemning to death.  Would these very same people agree that a similar choice should have been made about their own existence?  How many human lives have been lost that could have added to our society in so many ways?Abortion today is used primarily as a birth control of convenience because people are too self-centered to take precautions.

Letter to the Editor: Salute to a fellow Soldier

EditorRemembering the Past; lost in the Present, and hoping for a positive future.I lost a Marine this week.  I don’t remember how we became acquainted, likely it was at a watering hole like our tavern on K Street, Vinton.  He was a combat infantry soldier not exactly sure of his rank at least E-4  maybe E-5, but know he was a least a squad leader.
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