Letter to the Editor: Voters Rights
Dear Editor: With the action by various Governors signing laws redefining election laws -- just exactly who is deprived of their right to cast a legitimist vote? As I see it any U.S. citizen eighteen years or over can cast a vote in the precinct that they are registered in is this denying a legit vote? - Is the last statement untrue? Why then are the Democrats including our now President Joe Biden campaigning against these legitimate laws passed by legitimate State Legislatures and signed into law by the various Governors? Is it a repression of vote requiring an eligible person to vote in the Precinct they are registered in? If that is not required then they will be able to vote in numerous precincts without restriction.
Letter to the Editor: Thank You Vinton Lions Club
Dear Editor, It was very interesting to read the history of the Vinton Lions Club. The help the club has given to the town of Vinton has been terrific. 100 years of projects helping the city and assistance in various forms to individuals and organizations has to be unmatched. The hours that have been donated to accomplish these programs have to be astronomical.
Letter to the Editor: It’s my Time
To the Editor This is my time, post 4th of July, to comment clearly about the mess us Americans, us proud, flag-waving Americans find ourselves in today. We have been shamed, criticized, canceled, boycotted and forced to yield in silence to others' 1st Amendment Rights at the expense of our own. We have watched in silence as National and State monuments have been defaced, removed or destroyed.
Letter to the Editor: Living in the Present - Afraid of the future
Editor: Isaiah 5,20They say that what is right is wrong, and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. Isaiah 8th century BC his long ministry lasted almost sixty years and covered the reigns of four kings, the last one being Hezekiah, the reformer. How does one so ancient write what is so appropriate today? Washington Examiner Hugh Gurdon observes; not a day goes by without parents rebelling against left wing indoctrination of their children at school.
Letter to the Editor: COVID-19
Dear Editor, It has been common knowledge for years that all major developing countries have possessed the ability to conduct germ warfare. The Wuhan crisis is no exception. A virus was created in the lab and deliberately leaked into the local wet markets for experimentation on the people of Wuhan. This is totally consistent with China's poor record on civil rights and its complete lack of concern for all of the Chinese people.
The not long enough goodbye
The second case of cancer in the family strikes a few years after the first round we experienced. And again, this time, there won't be a recovery. All we can do is wait, cry, visit and say goodbye. I hate these goodbyes, but the older I get I find there are more of them in one way or another.This time it's a guy that my boys spent hours and hours with.
Father's Day Thoughts
Letter to the Editor: Don't blame me
Dear Editor: RE: Leonard Pitts, Sunday op page Gazette I do not see how I am to blame for the shortcomings perceived or real of minority races (citizens) of our Nation. My people did not immigrate until approximately 1870; up until my generation they were all farmers – rarely did any receive education beyond grade school. I am the first to graduate from a four-year college in an agricultural pursuit.
Big Brother is Listening
You probably already know that if you use your computer to search for white bath towels, or car parts for your '65 Mustang, that your Facebook feed will now show you ads for these products. (Probably just typing that, will produce them on my computer.)I decided to let my 2-year-old granddaughter play on my spare cell phone. Just for giggles, mine and hers, I had changed Siri's voice to a British gentleman some time ago.
Making heads and tails of the Iowa COVID website, and doing the math