
Letter to the Editor: Osborns seek Explanation of Charges

Dear Editor,As most know our property was abated by The City of Vinton last year.I have asked for some information that falls within the guidelines of the Freedom of Information Act.Bob(City Attorney) Fischer stated that our request for information from the City is harrassment and/or we are trying to relitigate our case through Freedom of Information and the Iowa Public Information Board.

Our Patriotic Duty

The end of a long election day in the Auditor's Office I spent Tuesday working at the polls in one of the most beautiful [st]tings in the county, the courthouse. I worked alongside 4 other great people in the Eden, Harrison, Taylor Precinct. It's always fun to see my neighbors and friends come through the line. We had a bit of a treat with a delivery of donuts early on in the morning from a little gal that decided her mission was to spread a little happiness and cheer via some carb loaded sweetness.

Letter to the Editor: Biden/Harris wins Part 2

Editor:  Biden/Harris wins:It’s over, the election is already won.  No need for further campaigning, right?, it’s in the bag.  How can a braggadocious, insulting, egocentric, etc., etc. - buffoon win against all the headwinds of Academia, Hollywood, Pundits, opinion writers, main stream media, and overturn the “old order”.

Letter to the Editor: Biden/Harris Wins

Editor: Biden/Harris wins:It’s over, the election is already won.  No need for further campaigning, right?, it’s in the bag.  How can a braggadocious, insulting, egocentric, etc., etc. - buffoon win against all the headwinds of Academia, Hollywood, Pundits, opinion writers, main stream media, and overturn the “old order”.  Obama called the supporters “bitter clingers to the guns and bibles and then Hillary called them “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views.

Letter to the Editor: Thanks to Greenfield and Finkenauer

Dear Editor, We had the privilege today, Sunday, October 25th, of hosting Senate candidate Teresa Greenfield, at our farm to view the damage from the August 10th derecho. We also need to acknowledge Congresswoman Abby Finkenauer who visited our farm last Monday. Knowing that we had already voted for them by absentee ballot, they still insisted with our consent to see how we and our rural neighbors were recovering and if they could be of any assistance.

Letter to the Editor: Open letter to President of UNI

Dear Mr Nook,In reference to the following article: https://theiowastandard.com/uni-student-government-denies-students-for-life-group-one-member-calls-it-a-hate-group/As a transplant to Iowa from Ontario, where I was both raised and educated, I am deeply disturbed to learn that the University of Northern Iowa's student government has forbidden the formation of a pro-life student group to operate on campus.

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Accountability, Integrity, and Common Sense

Dear EditorI have been following the lead-up to the 2020 election and there are some things that have become apparent among our local candidates running for statehouse. While many in our society are becoming polarized in their political views I still feel there are some core values and attributes that we can all agree on when deciding our elected officials.

Just a Speck

I am one of the lucky few that live outside the city limits. I live down a country road where chances are if you've lived here long enough, you'll hit a deer, or a deer will hit you. Don't laugh, I was t-boned by one. The downside is that you go through tires more frequently than the rest of the population, which reminds me I need to make another trip to John's Tire before winter hits.

Letter to the Editor: Rejecting dogma of the left

Re: Todd Dorman Cedar Rapids Gazette Mr. Dorman:I reject all leftist, Progressive, Marxist, Communist dogma.  That also means I reject the new Democrat Party and its Communist leadership – Pelosi and Schumer including the Squad - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachu[st]ts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.

Letter to the Editor: Where the Sunshine Laws don't Shine

Dear Editor,I requested some information under the Freedom of Information Act or Sunshine Law regarding our City Attorney from the acting City Clerk, Ward. I wanted the resolution number that establishes city Attorney Fischer's compensation as stated in Vinton's Ordinance chapter 20, section 20.01. Or if the Ordinance is not correct a copy of a contract or agreement that declares his compensation.
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