
Letter to the Editor: Gingrich on Controversial Treatment

Dear Editor:To Norma Gould and others: Did you click on the link to Democrat State Senator Karen Whitsett?  The drug therapy you state is unproven, but I don’t think it matters much to those who are out of choices.  Medicos are starting to think that when a patient is put on a ventilator that it may not be the appropriate therapy.

Laugh with Kathy: You can write

The first time someone told me I could write I was in 8th grade and my English teacher recommended me for Advanced English. She also assigned me to be the sports editor for the school newspaper for my 9th grade year.  I was shocked.  She told me that I had a gift for writing.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a gift for sports, and I was stumped on how this was going to work out for me.

It's Political Season time for Spring Training

The other day I made a rare trip to the grocery store. Hey, I ran out of milk and while the place used to be packed to the gills, I opted to spend a little more at the gas stations rather than wade into a sea of bodies for half a gallon of milk, I'm weird that way. So anyway, since the store looked relatively normal for traffic so I took a leisurely stroll through.

Letter to the Editor: Vinton Today Bingo

Letter to the Editor:These unprecedented times have provided many in our community with excess time on their hands, me included. Time that some have spent voicing their opinion on the Vinton Today Opinion Pages. I commend Valerie and the Vinton Today website for printing each and every letter she receives.We hear on the news, read on the internet, and tell all our friends that we must work together and we will get through all of this.

Laugh with Kathy: Country Roads of Scotland

Gene has always dreamed of traveling to Scotland and seeing the countryside. So when he retired a year ago, I surprised him with a trip to Scotland. We would spend ten days traveling the country roads of Scotland. I might have signed us up for more experiences than we were expecting. The following are excerpts from our travels.When we started our tour, our guide explained that Insight Vacations prides itself on “rare authentic experiences and meaningful interactions.

Laugh with Kathy: The Road to Hana

I think I will stick with my theme of travel stories this week, since we are all sheltering at home and dreaming of our next adventure. Once again, my travel enthusiasm got the better of us.Several years ago, my husband and I traded the cold Iowa winter for a week in Maui.  It was our first time to travel to this beautiful island and I fully intended to make the most of it.

Letter to the Editor: Oops!!

Dear Editor, Oops!!Looks like maybe Trump, Fox News, John, and Dr. Oz may have been wrong. This is what happens when a person actually believes Trump, who is not qualified to make medical pronouncements but his followers will believe anything Trump says. Sometimes it is better to wait for the  science before giving an opinion—John.https://currently.

Don't Spray Lysol on your Food

Dr. Nafissa Cisse Egbounye, the Blackhawk County Public Health Director as part of the news conference on Thursday answered several questions about the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus at Tyson's plant as well as concerns in general. I listened half-heartedly because I'll be honest, I can only take so much doom and gloom, and boy it's been coming in hot and heavy.

Letter to the Editor: Theory on Trump

Dear Editor, Today I received this piece online.  I grew up in Vinton but no longer live in the area I don’t really want to add more ire, but I read your paper online and the editorial opinion submissions often.  I just wanted to add this piece to those that are having those discussions about what is going on within our county’s current political struggles and media information and misinformation to the ongoing back and forth… just something for thought.

Laugh with Kathy: Hold the Line

While international travel seems like just a vague memory now that we are in our second month of self isolation due to Covid-19, I know that we will be packing our bags and heading out to explore the world again in time.  Since I won’t be trying to clear customs anytime soon, and hopefully, Custom’s has a shorter memory than Homeland Security (long story, but they emailed me about one of my blog posts – seriously!) I thought I would share my difficulty in clearing customs.
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