Letter to the Editor: VMU Board Appointments
Dear Editor,As chair of the Vinton Municipal Utility Boards, I am in a unique position to understand and provide insight into the future needs of the utilities.The long term goal of both utilities is to provide the best possible services at the lowest possible cost to the citizens of Vinton.The short term need of the electric utility is prudent investment of assets.
Letter to the Editor: Speaker Pelosi's bill in response to Covid-19
Editor:These items were in Speaker Pelosi’s house bill on funding American workers who are not now employed or soon will be because of “shelter in place” rules required by most if not all State Governors. Note that not one item helps any worker who has rent, food, or other items that need attention- it takes cash. This plague is not their fault, they need our help, not the junk listed below.
Letter to the Editor: Thanking Heroes
Dear Editor:I just want to thank all the unsung heroes we have working on our behalf during these difficult days--from elected officials to city, county and school district employees, to all the private citizens who are still performing essential services every day at their jobs despite the risk, like at Virginia Gay Hospitals and Clinics, and the folks at Fareway, the pharmacies the gas stations, the drive-up food folks, and the truckers who are supplying them all, as well as to all the volunteers who are stepping up in whatever capacity to meet on-going needs in our area.
Letter to the Editor: Covid-19 pandemic
Editor,As I approach my 78th summer on this planet I have been encouraged to remain at home, but if I leave to purchase food, medications or adult beverages I am to maintain at least a six foot distance from other humans. So, what have we learned so far? The spread of this virus is not curtailed in Italy, and is growing in New York, Washington State, and California.
Letter to the Editor: Vinton Utilities $8 Million Cash Reserve
Dear Editor, No time like the present to help the citizens & businesses in our town when we need it most!As Kurt Karr pointed out in a letter to the editor on December 15th, the Vinton Municipals have a cash reserve of $8+ million dollars. Kurt also mentioned that this is enough money to cover every electric bill in town for two years!The COVID-19 crisis is going to have a significant financial impact on the majority of us.
Letter to the Editor: Shopping made funny
Saturday morning, since I'm in the older generation, I decided to do my weekly shopping myself without putting that ugly duty on to my family. No bananas, no potatoes but that's ok.I'll survive. I did grumble under my breath a bit. But when I got to the toilet paper aisle I laughed out loud. Busch beer was on every shelf, almost the full length. Not sure what the message was, but a few people around me had a few fun things to say.
Letter to the Editor: Good use of VPD time or City resources?
Dear Editor, We lent our van to a friend who was moving. Our van was parked on the street at his Dad's. I am unsure as to how long it was parked in one spot and the ticket isn't what we are questioning.On the 12th of March, which would be the 30th day(please read the bottom of the ticket, 2nd picture), a Vinton Police Officer hand-delivered the letter pictured above.
In the Middle of a Pandemic? Laugh
I'm a gal that has waaay too many surgeries to mention. The upside is that I got to be a professional on how to go under anesthesia and come out on the other side better. Go under laughing. Before going under one of those times, it was a stressful, serious, life-threatening time. If you know me, I can find humor in just about any situation and this was no different.
Tips for staying at home, the fun stuff
Tuesday, on the verge of everything closing down, I went to the Supervisors meeting like I do every week. The street was humming a little quieter and there was less chatter on the streets. Coming out of the meeting I noticed that there was even less traffic and even fewer people to be seen. Driving through town last night it was an oddly unsettling sight as the town had closed down except for a few cars out in the area.
Trying to function with a cold nose
I've noticed that life can go from a dull and boring pace to warp speed in no time flat. Right now I'm in the warp speed pattern and missing the dull and boring. I stumbled in the door after a 12 hour day and collapsed into bed on Friday, vaguely thinking that it felt a little chilly in the house, but I had just come in, and was too tired to ponder it further.