
Summer Food Basket program involved BCVP and many other organizations

Angle Jones, Marsha Johnson, Jackson Johnson, Sally Donald (BCVP loves all ages of volunteers) By Charmaine Wickwire, Executive Director BCVP (Benton County Volunteer Program) Once again Benton County pulled together to provide for its own in a Summer Food Basket collaboration between the Benton County Volunteer Program, Benton County Food Pantry, Benton Community and Belle Plaine Schools and many individual volunteers. Volunteers included a group from the Van Horne Lions Club.

American Red Cross Opens Shelter in Vinton

Financial Assistance Offered to Individuals with Immediate Disaster-Caused Needs. The American Red Cross has opened an emergency shelter in Vinton, IA to assist those affected by the early morning storm on Sunday, July 17, 2016. Currently, 15 people have registered at the shelter. Red Cross workers are providing warm meals, a safe place to sleep and emotional support.

From ball fields to apartments to houses: The path of Sunday's storm

Irony at the Fairgrounds: The wind blew this board into a display about natural disasters. It started at a baseball field, the storm that will eventually make its way into the Vinton history books. Early Sunday morning, approximately 36 hours before the Vinton-Shellsburg Vikings and Marion Indians were scheduled to arrive to settle the question of who would be District Champion, the wind showed up. Whether it was a tornado, wind shear, Derecho or some other natural storm phenomenon, it began by flattening the chain link fence at the VS ball field, and hurling the “350” sign east into the yard of Doug and Susan Martens.

'Definitely a tornado:' National Weather Service expert describes Sunday storm

The storm that heavily damages several blocks in Vinton on Sunday morning was "definitely a tornado," most likely an F2 with winds between 130 and 150 mph that lasted just 15-25 seconds, says Donna Dubberke of the National Weather Service. Dubberke is the Warning Coordination Meteorologist for the National Weather Service Quad Cities location in Davenport.

Tornado or straight line winds? National Weather Service to seek answers Monday

While most people who saw or heard the early morning storm or looked at some of its damage are calling it a "tornado," it's too soon to say for sure exactly what kind of wind caused the significant damage to several homes and apartment buildings and other structures in Vinton Sunday morning, says Benton County Emergency Management Director Scott Hansen.

Local business owner accepting donations for those affected by storm

While the Red Cross has specifically asked for no donations at this time at its shelter at the Vinton-Shellsburg High School, a Vinton business owner is offering part of her space as a temporary storage area for donated items. Leah Birker, owner of Birkers Bows and Iowa Crafters in downtown Vinton, has begun accepting donations of clothing, baby items and personal hygiene supplies.

Red Cross, EMA ask residents to do nothing, for now

Benton County Emergency Management Director Scott Hansen and the American Red Cross are asking  area residents who want to help those affected by storms to do the hardest thing of all do to: Wait. Sometimes, in situations like these, says Red Cross Program Manager Brian Keath, good-hearted people bring donations to red cross shelters, and end up burdening the agency with items it can't use or even dispose of easily.

Public Asked to Avoid Storm Damaged Areas

STORM RESULTS IN SERIOUS WIND DAMAGE AND MINOR INJURIES At approximately 5:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 17, 2016, the City of Vinton was struck by high winds in a localized area on the south east side of town. Several multi-family apartment buildings and one business sustained serious structural damage and several residents were transported by ambulances to Virginia Gay Hospital with minor injuries.

Red Cross is serving displaced storm victims at Vinton-Shellsburg H.S.

Red Cross vehicle at Washington High School The Red Cross is providing services at the VInon-Shellsburg High School in Vinton. Those who have been displaced by the storm should visit the Red Cross volunteers at the High School to learn about assistance that will be available. The Red Cross estimates that as many as 48 households may have been displaced due to damage. As the number of families to be served becomes clear, Vinton Today will post additional information about any needs the Red Cross has for local assistance.

Storm damages large area of SE Vinton; no injuries reported

Many Imperial Apartments residents are homeless after the storm; no major injuries were reported. Three things you need to know first about the storm damage that occurred in Vinton this morning: 1. Everyone is OK. Several residents of the Imperial Apartments were taken by ambulance to Virginia Gay Hospital for observation or treatment of minor injuries, but no serious injuries were reported. Most of the roof is gone on some of the apartment buildings, several other houses in the area sustained damage, and the VS High School baseball field fence and some of the light poles were destroyed, as was much of the Marvin Lindsey baseball/softball complex.