
Dollars for Scholars report: $7,500 raised this year

              2010 was a very successful year for the Vinton Area Dollars for Scholars.  Approximately $7,500 was raised for scholarships that will be awarded to Vinton/Shellsburg high school students.  The majority of the money raised came from the sale of refillable mugs for John’s Qwik Stop, 50/50 drawings at the Benton County Speedway, Todd Frank Guitar Jam concessions, Alco Cute Baby contest, and the Holiday Roping project.

Packers fans prepare prank for Steeler fan for Super Bowl

A Green Bay Packer fan painted green and yellow in the snow near Dennis Bramow's house.      Area Green Bay Packers fans are looking forward to Sunday, when their team and quarterback Aaron Rodgers take on the Pittsburgh Steelers.      During the Good and Welfare section of the City Council meeting, City Attorney Robert Fischer mentioned the Super Bowl and the Packers.        And before the big snowstorm, Vinton firefighter Dennis Bramow went outside to find that someone had painted this Green Bay tribute on the snow in his yard.

Non-growing pains: V-S School Board discusses declining enrollment

       Enrollment this year is down again at Vinton-Shellsburg. There are 66 fewer students enrolled this year than last year.      That is a trend for the district – a trend that is expected to continue to affect the school budget for years to come.     “Our enrollment was 1798.

Dreamin' of a White Valentine

A snow drift with mirrors...      Like much of the Midwest, the Vinton area is buried under several inches of snow and many drifts of several feet of the precipitation that closed schools and made travel treacherous in several states.

Latest weather update: 'Life-threatening' blizzard

We at Vinton Today are all about helping you save time and keeping you safe.  So today, we have condensed all the weather news you need to know for the next two days. You don't need to wait for the next TV news update. The National Weather Service called the blizzard conditions in Iowa "life-threatening," with 8-16 inches of blowing snow throughout most of Iowa and 16-20 or more in southeast Iowa.

Mrs. Furlong's Shellsburg 4th graders receive Class Act Award

Shanna Furlong's 4th graders at Shellsburg received the Class Act Award for feeding the hungry.      The fourth grade students of Shanna Furlong at Shellsburg Elementary received the Class Act Award from the Vinton-Shellsburg School Board Monday evening. The students raised $500 for supplies and provided the labor to fill more than 4,600 bags of rice to send to the poor people in Haiti.     The students answered questions about what they put in the bags, and how they organized the effort.

Early Dismissal for Vinton Shellsburg & Kirkwood

Due to the weather, Vinton Shellsburg is dismissing 4 hours early today, Kirkwood closing at 1 p.m.

Police ask public to get vehicles of streets and city parking lots before snow

The VPD puts these tags on illegally parked cars; they will be towed if not moved within 24 hours.        With the impending snowstorm predicted to unfold in the Vinton area over the next 48 hours, Vinton Police are seeking everyone's assistance in getting their vehicles and trailers off all public streets and parking lots, and to keep them off the streets until the snowfall has stopped and Street Department plows have been through your area.

Diaper Depot Comes to Vinton

Would you like to help under or unemployed families with one of their biggest needs and concerns?  You can, by bringing disposable diapers to your church through a program called Diaper Depot.  During the month of February, bring diapers of all sizes, (especially Newborn and sizes 1 through 4) to Bethlehem Lutheran, Blessed Hope, Brandon UMC, First Christian, Garrison UMC, the Presbyterian Church, St.

Vinton area author, taxidermist and Christian speaker John Dieter dies at age 49

John Dieter       John Dieter’s short and difficult life was one for the books.     Books about grain explosions.     Books about faith.     But his story is told with more than words; it is also being told this week with photos.     Photographs of wildlife art and taxidermy.